LWP {LW1949}R Documentation

User Friendly Evaluation of Dose-Effect Experiments using Litchfield-Wilcoxon and Probit Methods


User friendly evaluation of dose-effect experiments using automated Litchfield Wilcoxon (1949) and probit estimation methods. This function has been tailored for non-R users with input data set up in a particular way (see Details).


LWP(rawfile = NULL, descrcolz = 1:4, saveplots = TRUE,
  showplots = FALSE, saveresults = TRUE, showresults = TRUE,
  returnresults = FALSE)



A character scalar specifying the path of the input data as a csv file. If NULL, default, the user will be prompted to browse to a file using a menu.


A numeric vector, the column numbers to use as the description of the test, default 1:4.


A logical scalar indicating if plots should be saved to a pdf file, default TRUE. See details.


A logical scalar indicating if plots should be shown on screen, default FALSE. See details.


A logical scalar indicating if results should be saved to a csv file, default TRUE. The csv file is given the same name (plus the suffix "Smry") and is placed in the same directory as the input file.


A logical scalar indicating if results should be printed to the console, default TRUE. These results include the chi-squared statistic, degrees of freedom, and p-value for the Litchfield Wilcoxon method.


A logical scalar indicating if results should be returned by the function, default FALSE.


The input data must include at least these seven columns, with these names in the header row:

The input data are expected to be summarized by dose. If duplicate doses are provided, an error will be thrown.

Both saveplots and showplots may be set to FALSE, in which case no plots will be produced. But both may not be set to TRUE.


If returnresults=TRUE, a data frame with 11 rows per test and 2 more columns than the input data. Three columns from the input data are not included (TFM Conc. (mg/L), No. Tested, and No. Dead). Five columns are added: the parameter (param), the method used (method), the estimate (estimate), and the 95% confidence interval of the estimate (lower95ci and upper95ci)


Litchfield, JT Jr. and F Wilcoxon. 1949. A simplified method of evaluating dose-effect experiments. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 96(2):99-113. [link].


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

[Package LW1949 version 1.1.0 Index]