LUCID with Multiple Omics Data

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Documentation for package ‘LUCIDus’ version 3.0.1

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boot_lucid Inference of LUCID model based on bootstrap resampling
check_na Check missing patterns in one layer of omics data Z
estimate_lucid Fit LUCID models with one or multiple omics layers
fill_data Impute missing data by optimizing the likelihood function
gen_ci generate bootstrp ci (normal, basic and percentile)
Istep_Z I-step of LUCID
lucid Fit a lucid model for integrated analysis on exposure, outcome and multi-omics data, allowing for tuning
plot_lucid Visualize LUCID model through a Sankey diagram
predict_lucid Predict cluster assignment and outcome based on LUCID model
print.sumlucid Print the output of LUCID in a nicer table
simulated_HELIX_data A simulated HELIX dataset for LUCID
sim_data A simulated dataset for LUCID
summary_lucid Summarize results of the LUCID model
tune_lucid A wrapper function to perform model selection for LUCID