Local Principal Curve Methods

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Documentation for package ‘LPCM’ version 0.47-4

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LPCM-package Local principal curve methods
base.Rc Measuring goodness-of-fit for principal objects.
calspeedflow Speed-flow data from California.
coverage Coverage and self-coverage plots.
coverage.raw Coverage and self-coverage plots.
distancevector Auxiliary kernel and distance functions.
enorm Auxiliary kernel and distance functions.
followx Fit an individual branch of a local principal curve.
gaia Gaia data
gvessel North Atlantic Water Temperature Data.
kdex Auxiliary kernel and distance functions.
kern Auxiliary kernel and distance functions.
kernd Auxiliary kernel and distance functions.
lpc Local principal curves
lpc.control Auxiliary parameters for controlling local principal curves.
lpc.coverage Coverage and self-coverage plots.
lpc.curve.length Auxiliary functions for spline fitting and projection.
lpc.fit.spline Auxiliary functions for spline fitting and projection.
lpc.project Projection onto LPC
lpc.project.spline Auxiliary functions for spline fitting and projection.
lpc.self.coverage Coverage and self-coverage plots.
lpc.spline Representing local principal curves through a cubic spline.
lpc.spline.eval Auxiliary functions for spline fitting and projection.
lpc.splinefun Auxiliary functions for spline fitting and projection.
LPCM Local principal curve methods
meanshift Mean shift procedures.
mindist Auxiliary kernel and distance functions.
ms Mean shift clustering.
ms.rep Mean shift procedures.
ms.rep.min Mean shift procedures.
ms.self.coverage Coverage and self-coverage plots.
plot.lpc Plotting local principal curves and mean shift trajectories
plot.lpc.spline Plotting local principal curves and mean shift trajectories
plot.ms Plotting local principal curves and mean shift trajectories
print.lpc Printing output for lpc, lpc.spline, and ms objects
print.lpc.spline Printing output for lpc, lpc.spline, and ms objects
print.ms Printing output for lpc, lpc.spline, and ms objects
Rc Measuring goodness-of-fit for principal objects.
Rc.lpc Measuring goodness-of-fit for principal objects.
Rc.lpc.spline Measuring goodness-of-fit for principal objects.
Rc.ms Measuring goodness-of-fit for principal objects.
select.self.coverage Coverage and self-coverage plots.
unscale Unscaling local principal objects.
unscale.lpc Unscaling local principal objects.
unscale.lpc.spline Unscaling local principal objects.
unscale.ms Unscaling local principal objects.
vecdist Auxiliary kernel and distance functions.