LMMsolveObject {LMMsolver} | R Documentation |
Fitted LMMsolve Object
An object of class LMMsolve
returned by the LMMsolve function,
representing a fitted linear mixed model. Objects of this class have
methods for the generic functions coef, fitted, residuals, loglik and
An object of class LMMsolve
contains the following components:
logL |
The restricted log-likelihood at convergence |
sigma2e |
The residual error |
tau2e |
The estimated variance components |
EDdf |
The effective dimensions |
varPar |
The number of variance parameters for each variance component |
VarDf |
The table with variance components |
theta |
The precision parameters |
coefMME |
A vector with all the estimated effects from mixed model equations |
ndxCoefficients |
The indices of the coefficients with the names |
yhat |
The fitted values |
residuals |
The residuals |
nIter |
The number of iterations for the mixed model to converge |
y |
Response variable |
X |
The design matrix for the fixed part of the mixed model |
Z |
The design matrix for the random part of the mixed model |
lGinv |
List with precision matrices for the random terms |
lRinv |
List with precision matrices for the residual |
C |
The mixed model coefficient matrix after last iteration |
cholC |
The cholesky decomposition of coefficient matrix C |
constantREML |
The REML constant |
dim |
The dimensions for each of the fixed and random terms in the mixed model |
term.labels.f |
The names of the fixed terms in the mixed model |
term.labels.r |
The names of the random terms in the mixed model |
splRes |
An object with definition of spline argument |
family |
An object of class family specifying the distribution and link function |
trace |
A data.frame with the convergence sequence for the log likelihood and effective dimensions |