Linear Mixed Model Solver

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Documentation for package ‘LMMsolver’ version 1.0.7

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APSIMdat Simulated Biomass as function of time using APSIM wheat.
coef.LMMsolve Coefficients from the mixed model equations of an LMMsolve object.
deviance.LMMsolve Deviance of an LMMsolve object
diagnosticsMME Give diagnostics for mixed model coefficient matrix C and the cholesky decomposition
displayMME Display the sparseness of the mixed model coefficient matrix
fitted.LMMsolve Fitted values of an LMMsolve object.
LMMsolve Solve Linear Mixed Models
LMMsolveObject Fitted LMMsolve Object
logLik.LMMsolve Log-likelihood of an LMMsolve object
multipop Simulated QTL mapping data set
obtainSmoothTrend Obtain Smooth Trend.
print.summary.LMMsolve Summarize Linear Mixed Model fits
residuals.LMMsolve Residuals of an LMMsolve object.
spl1D Fit P-splines
spl2D Fit P-splines
spl3D Fit P-splines
summary.LMMsolve Summarize Linear Mixed Model fits