ElevRasterDE {IsoriX}R Documentation

The raster of elevation for Germany


This raster contains the elevation of the surface of Germany (meters above sea level) with a resolution of approximately 40 square-km.


A SpatRaster object


This raster contains elevation data of Germany in a highly aggregated form corresponding to a resolution of approximately one elevation value per 40 square-km. This is only for the purpose of having a small and easy-to-handle file to practice, but it should not be used to perform real assignments!



See Also

prepraster to crop and/or aggregate this raster


## Compute crudely the resolution (approximative size of cells in km2)
median(values(cellSize(ElevRasterDE, unit = "km")))

## How did we create this file (without IsoriX) ?

## Uncomment the following to create the file as we did

# ElevRasterDE <- elevatr::get_elev_raster(locations = data.frame(
#                              x = c(5.5, 15.5), y = c(47, 55.5)),
#                              prj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs",
#                              clip = "bbox", z = 3)
# ElevRasterDE <- terra::rast(ElevRasterDE)

## How to create a similar file with IsoriX ?
# ## Download the tif file (see ?getelev)
# getelev(file = "~/ElevRasterDE.tif",
#         z = 3,
#         long_min = 5.5, long_max = 15.5, lat_min = 47, lat_max = 55.5)

# ## Convert the tif into R raster format
# ElevRasterDE <- rast('~/ElevRasterDE.tif')

[Package IsoriX version 0.9.2 Index]