CPSPPOTevents {IndTestPP}R Documentation

Identifying the occurrence points of the indicator processes in the CPSP from a POT approach


This function calculates the occurrence times and other characteristics (length, maximum and mean intensity) of the extreme events of the three indicator processes of a bivariate Common Poisson Shock Process (CPSP) obtained from a Peak Over Threshold (POT) approach.


CPSPPOTevents(N1,N2,thres1,thres2, date=NULL, dplot=T, pmfrow=c(2,1), 



Numeric vector. Series (xi)(x_i) whose threshold exceedances define the first CPSP marginal process.


Numeric vector. Series (yi)(y_i) whose threshold exceedances define the second CPSP marginal process.


Numeric value. Threshold used to define the extreme events in (xi)(x_i).


Numeric value. Threshold used to define the extreme events in (yi)(y_i).


Optional. A vector or matrix indicating the date of each observation.


Optional. A logical flag. If it is TRUE, the marginal and indicator processes are plotted.


Optional. A vector of the form (nr, nc) to be supplied as value of the argument mfrow in par.


Optional. Numeric vector with the points in the time index where axis ticks and labels (from the first column in date) have to be drawn.


Further arguments to be passed to the function plot.


A CPSP NN can be decomposed into three independent indicator processes: N(1)N_{(1)}, N(2)N_{(2)} and N(12)N_{(12)}, the processes of the points occurring only in the first marginal process, only in the second and in both of them (simultaneous points). In the CPSP resulting from applying a POT approach, the events in N(1)N_{(1)} are a run of consecutive observations where xix_i exceeds its extreme threshold but yiy_i does not exceed its extreme threshold. An extreme event in N(2)N_{(2)} is defined analogously. A simultaneous event, or event in N(12)N_{(12)}, is a run where both series exceed their thresholds.

For the events defined in each indicator process, three magnitudes (length, maximum intensity and mean intensity) are calculated together with the initial point and the point of maximum excess of each event. In N(12)N_{(12)}, the maximum and the mean intensity in both series (xi)(x_i) and (yi)(y_i) are calculated.

The occurrence point of each event is the time in the run where the maximum of the sum of the excesses of (xi)(x_i) and (yi)(y_i) over their threholds occurs; if an observation does not exceed its corresponding threshold, that excess is 0. According to this definition, the occurrence point in N(1)N_{(1)} is the point with maximum intensity in (xi)(x_i) within the run.

The vectors inddat1, inddat2 and inddat12, elements of the output list, mark the observations that should be used in the estimation of each indicator process. The observations in an extreme event which are not the occurrence point are marked with 0 and treated as non observed in the estimation process. The rest are marked with 1 and must be included in the likelihood function. See function fitPP.fun in package NHPoisson for more details on the use of these indexes in the estiamtion of a point process.

The points in the marginal N1N_{1}, N2N_{2} and indicator N(1)N_{(1)}, N(2)N_{(2)} and N(12)N_{(12)} processes can be optionally plotted. If date is NULL, default axis are used. Otherwise, the values in axispoints are used as the points in the time index where axis ticks and labels, from the first column in date, have to be drawn. If axispoints is NULL, a default grid of points is built using the function marca.


A list with components


Vector of mean excesses (over the threshold) of the extreme events in N(1)N_{(1)}.


Vector of maximum excesses (over the threshold) of the extreme events in N(1)N_{(1)}.


Vector of lengths of the extreme events in N(1)N_{(1)}.


Vector of points of maximum excess of the extreme events in N(1)N_{(1)}.


Vector of initial points of the extreme events in N(1)N_{(1)}.


Index of the observations to be used in the estimation process of N(1)N_{(1)}.


Vector of mean excesses (over the threshold) of the extreme events in N(2)N_{(2)}.


Vector of maximum excesses (over the threshold) of the extreme events in N(2)N_{(2)}.


Vector of lengths of the extreme events in N(2)N_{(2)}.


Vector of points of maximum excess of the extreme events in N(2)N_{(2)}.


Vector of initial points of the extreme events in N(2)N_{(2)}.


Index of the observations to be used in the estimation process of N(2)N_{(2)}.


Vector of mean excesses of the series (xi)(x_i) in N(12)N_{(12)}.


Vector of maximum excesses the series (xi)(x_i) in N(12)N_{(12)}.


Vector of mean excesses of the series (yi)(y_i) in N(12)N_{(12)}.


Vector of maximum excesses the series (yi)(y_i) in N(12)N_{(12)}.


Vector of lengths of the extreme events in N(12)N_{(12)}.


Vector of points of maximum excess of the extreme events in N(12)N_{(12)}.


Vector of initial points of the extreme events in N(12)N_{(12)}.


Index of the observations to be used in the estimation process of N(12)N_{(12)}.


Input argument.


Input argument.


Input argument.


Input argument.


Input argument.


Abaurrea, J. Asin, J. and Cebrian, A.C. (2015). A Bootstrap Test of Independence Between Three Temporal Nonhomogeneous Poisson Processes and its Application to Heat Wave Modeling. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 22(1), 127-144.

See Also

CPSPpoints, PlotMCPSP, PlotICPSP


dateT<-cbind(TxBHZ$year,TxBHZ$month,TxBHZ$day)  #year, month and day of the month
marca<- c(1:length(TxBHZ$TxH))[c(1,diff(dateT[,1]))==1]  # points at  first day  of the year
BivEv<-CPSPPOTevents(N1=TxBHZ$TxH,N2=TxBHZ$TxZ,thres1=378,thres2=364, date=dateT, 

[Package IndTestPP version 3.0 Index]