getInfo {IFC} | R Documentation |
IFC File Information Extraction
Retrieves rich information from RIF, CIF and DAF files.
from = c("acquisition", "analysis")[2],
verbose = FALSE,
verbosity = 1,
warn = TRUE,
force_default = TRUE,
cifdir = dirname(fileName),
ntry = +Inf,
fileName |
path to file.. |
from |
whether to extract information from 'acquisition' or 'analysis'. Default is 'analysis'. |
verbose |
whether to display information (use for debugging purpose). Default is FALSE. |
verbosity |
quantity of information print to console when verbose is TRUE; 1: normal, 2: rich. Default is 1. |
warn |
whether to send warning message when trying to read 'analysis' information from a 'rif' file. Default is TRUE. |
force_default |
when display information can't be retrieved whether to use default values. Default is TRUE. |
cifdir |
the path of the directory to initially look to cif file. Default is dirname(fileName). Only apply when 'fileName' is a .daf file. |
ntry |
number of times |
... |
other arguments to be passed. |
a list of information (open .daf file in an text editor for more details) about input fileName of class 'IFC_info' and 'acquistion' or 'analysis', whose members are:
-objcount, number of object in file,
-date, date of file creation,
-instrument, instrument identification,
-sw_raw, version of software for raw data,
-sw_processed, version of software for processed data,
-channelwidth, default channel width in pixel,
-in_use, channels used,
-brightfield, whether brightfield is applied on channels and its intensity,
-illumination, laser illumination parameters,
-collectionmode, the collection mode,
-magnification, magnification used,
-coremode, the core mode,
-evmode, the high gain mode,
-CrossTalkMatrix. compensation matrix applied,
-ChannelPresets, channel preset,
-ImageDisplaySettings, image display settings,
-Images, information about colors, range and channels,
-masks, masks defined,
-ViewingModes, modes of visualization,
-checksum, checksum computed,
-Merged_rif, character vector of path of files used to create rif, if input file was a merged,
-Merged_cif, character vector of path of files used to create cif, if input file was a merged,
-XIF_test, integer defining XIF type,
-checksum, integer corresponding to file checksum,
-fileName, path of fileName input,
-fileName_image, path of fileName_image.
if(requireNamespace("IFCdata", quietly = TRUE)) {
## use a daf file
file_daf <- system.file("extdata", "example.daf", package = "IFCdata")
info <- getInfo(fileName = file_daf, from = "analysis")
## show some information
} else {
message(sprintf('Please run `install.packages("IFCdata", repos = "%s", type = "source")` %s',
'to install extra files required to run this example.'))