Functions to Simulate Haplotypes

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Documentation for package ‘HaploSim’ version

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AssignQTL Assigns QTL to a list of Haplotypes
buildhPedigree Build a haplotype pedrigree from a haplotype list
c-method Class "haploList"
getAll Get alleles
haploList Function to create objects of class 'haploList'
haploList-class Class "haploList"
haplotype-class Class "haplotype" ~~~
hPed2Ped Transform a haplotype pedigree into a pedigree.
ListQTL Assigns QTL to a list of Haplotypes
print-method Class "haploList"
print-method Class "haplotype" ~~~
RemoveHomozygotes Remove the homozygotic snp loci from a list of haplotypes
SampleBaseHaplotype Simulate a base population haplotype
SampleHaplotype Simulate a haplotype
SampleHaplotypes Simulate a list of haplotypes
SamplePedigree Simulate a haplotypes in a pedigree
show-method Class "haploList"
show-method Class "haplotype" ~~~
validhaploListObject Function to validate an object of class 'haploList'
[-method Class "haploList"