Credible Visualization for Two-Dimensional Projections of Data

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Documentation for package ‘GeneralizedUmatrix’ version 1.2.6

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GeneralizedUmatrix-package Credible Visualization for Two-Dimensional Projections of Data
addRowWiseC intern function
CalcUstarmatrix Calculate the U*matrix for a given Umatrix and Pmatrix.
calcUstarmatrix Calculate the U*matrix for a given Umatrix and Pmatrix.
Chainlink Chainlink is part of the Fundamental Clustering Problem Suit (FCPS) [Thrun/Ultsch, 2020].
DefaultColorSequence Default color sequence for plots
Delta3DWeightsC intern function
EsomNeuronsAsList Converts wts data (EsomNeurons) into the list form
ExtendToroidalUmatrix Extend Toroidal Umatrix
GeneralizedUmatrix Generalized U-Matrix for Projection Methods published in [Thrun/Ultsch, 2020]
GeneratePmatrix Generates the P-matrix
getUmatrix4Projection Generalized U-Matrix for Projection Methods published in [Thrun/Ultsch, 2020]
ListAsEsomNeurons Converts List to WTS
LowLand LowLand
NormalizeUmatrix Normalize Umatrix
plotTopographicMap Visualizes the generalized U-matrix in 3D
ReduceToLowLand ReduceToLowLand
sESOM4BMUs simplified ESOM
setdiffMatrix setdiffMatrix shortens Matrix2Curt by those rows that are in both matrices.
TopviewTopographicMap Top view of the topographic map in 2D
trainstepC internal function for s-esom
Uheights4Data Uheights4Data
UmatrixColormap U-Matrix colors
UniqueBestMatchingUnits UniqueBestMatchingUnits
upscaleUmatrix Upscale a Umatrix grid
XYcoords2LinesColumns XYcoords2LinesColumns(X,Y) Converts points given as x(i),y(i) coordinates to integer coordinates Columns(i),Lines(i)