Generalized Polynomial Modelling

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Documentation for package ‘GPoM’ version 1.4

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GPoM-package GPoM package: Generalized Polynomial Modelling
allMod_nVar3_dMax2 Numerical description of a list of eighteen three-dimensional chaotic sytems (see vignette '7_Retro-Modelling')
allMod_nVar3_dMax2 data set Numerical description of a list of eighteen three-dimensional chaotic sytems (see vignette '7_Retro-Modelling')
allToTest A list providing the description of six models tested by the function 'autoGPoMoTest'.
autoGPoMoSearch Automatic search of polynomial Equations
autoGPoMoTest Tests the numerical integrability of models and classify their dynamical regime
bDrvFilt Builds the derivative filter
cano2M cano2M : Converts a model in canonical form into a matrix form
combiEq combiEq : Combine Equations from different sources
compDeriv Computes the successive derivatives of a time series
concat Concat Concatenates separated time series
concatMulTS ConcatMulTS Concatenates separated time series (of single or multiples variables)
d2pMax Provides the number of polynomial terms 'pMax' given 'dMax' and 'nVar'
data_vignetteIII Output of the vignette 'III_Modelling'
data_vignetteIII data set Output of the vignette 'III_Modelling'
data_vignetteVI Output of the vignette 'VI_Sensitivity'
data_vignetteVI data set Output of the vignette 'VI_Sensitivity'
data_vignetteVII Output of the vignette 'VII_Retro-Modelling'
data_vignetteVII data set Output of the vignette 'VII_Retro-Modelling'
derivODE2 A subfonction for the numerical integration of polynomial equations provided in a generic form following the convetion defined by function 'poLabs'.
derivODEwMultiX deriveODEwMultiX : A Subfonction for the numerical integration of polynomial equations in the generic form defined by function 'poLabs' and with External Forcing F(t)
detectP1limCycl Detection of limit cycles of period-1
drvSucc drvSucc : Computes the successive derivatives of a time series
extractEq extractEq : Extracts Equations from one system
findAllSets Find all possible sets of equation combinations considering an ensemble of possible equation.
gloMoId Global Model Identification
gPoMo Generalized Polynomial Modeling
GSproc Gram-Schmidt procedure
NDVI A time series of vegetation index measured from satellite
numicano Numerical Integration of models in ODE of polynomial form
numiMultiX Numerical Integration polynomial ODEs with Multiple eXternal forcing
numinoisy Generates time series of deterministic-behavior with stochatic perturbations (measurement and/or dynamical noise)
odeBruitMult2 For the numerical integration of ordinary differential equations with dynamical noise.
P1FxCh A data set for testing periodicity
P1FxChP2 A data set for testing periodicity
p2dMax p2dMax : provides the maximum polynomial degree 'dMax' given the number of variables 'nVar' and the number of possible polynomial terms 'pMax'.
paramId For parameter Identification
poLabs Polynomial labels order
predictab Estimate the models performance obtained with 'GPoMo' in term of predictability
pTimEv Model stationnary testing
regOrd Generate the conventional order for polynomial terms in a the polynomial formulation
regSeries Estimates the monomial time series
Ross76 Time series of the Rossler-1976 system
Rossler-1976 data set Time series of the Rossler-1976 system
RosYco Twelve Rossler-1976 time series (exclusively variable y)
subSysD subSysD : Sub-systems Disentangling
svrlTS A data set for the global modeling of time series in association
testP Periodic solution test
TS Time series resulting from the integration of a non stationary system
TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2 Time series of three-dimensional chaotic sytems (for vignette 'VII_Retro-Modelling')
TSallMod_nVar3_dMax2 data set Time series of three-dimensional chaotic sytems (for vignette 'VII_Retro-Modelling')
visuEq Displays the models Equations
visuOutGP visuOutGP : get a quick information of gPoMo output
wInProd Weighted inner product