Genome-Wide Haplotyping

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Documentation for package ‘GHap’ version 3.0.0

Help Pages

ghap.anc2plink Convert ancestry tracks to PLINK binary
ghap.ancmark Per marker ancestry proportions
ghap.ancplot Barplot of predictions of ancestry proportions
ghap.ancsmooth Smoothing of haplotype ancestry predictions
ghap.ancsvm SVM-based predictions of haplotype ancestry
ghap.anctest Prediction of haplotype ancestry
ghap.anctrain Construction of prototype alleles
ghap.assoc Genome-wide association analysis
ghap.blockgen Haplotype block generator
ghap.blockstats HapBlock statistics
ghap.compress Compress phased genotype data
ghap.exfiles Example files
ghap.fast2phase Convert fastPHASE data into the GHap phase format
ghap.freq Compute marker allele frequencies
ghap.froh Calculation of genomic inbreeding (FROH)
ghap.fst Haplotype-based Fst
ghap.getHinv Compute the inverse of H
ghap.hap2plink Convert haplotype allele counts to PLINK binary
ghap.haplotyping Haplotype genotypes
ghap.hapstats Haplotype allele statistics
ghap.ibd Estimation of IBD sharing
ghap.inbcoef Compute measures of inbreeding
ghap.karyoplot Individual chromosome painting
ghap.kinship Relationship matrix based on genomic data
ghap.lmm Linear mixed model
ghap.loadhaplo Load haplotype genotype data
ghap.loadphase Load binary phased genotype data
ghap.loadplink Load binary PLINK data
ghap.makefile Create example input files
ghap.manhattan Manhattan plot
ghap.oxford2phase Convert Oxford data into GHap phase
ghap.pedcheck Summary statistics for pedigree
ghap.phase2plink Export phase object to PLINK binary
ghap.predictblup Predict BLUP from reference
ghap.profile Genomic profile
ghap.relfind Find relatives in IBD estimates
ghap.remlci Confidence intervals for functions of variance components
ghap.roh Detection of runs of homozygosity (ROH)
ghap.simadmix Simulate individuals from specified admixture proportions
ghap.simmating Simulate individuals from specified matings
ghap.simpheno Quantitative trait simulation using real genotype data
ghap.slice Get a slice of a GHap object
ghap.subset Subset GHap objects
ghap.varblup Convert BLUP of individuals into BLUP of variants
ghap.vcf2phase Convert VCF data into GHap phase