Gaussian Graphical Models with Nonconvex Regularization

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Documentation for package ‘GGMncv’ version 2.1.1

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GGMncv-package GGMncv: Gaussian Graphical Models with Nonconvex Regularization
bfi Data: 25 Personality items representing 5 factors
boot_eip Bootstrapped Edge Inclusion 'Probabilities'
coef.ggmncv Regression Coefficients from 'ggmncv' Objects
compare_edges Compare Edges Between Gaussian Graphical Models
confirm_edges Confirm Edges
constrained Precision Matrix with Known Graph
desparsify De-Sparsified Graphical Lasso Estimator
gen_net Simulate a Partial Correlation Matrix
get_graph Extract Graph from 'ggmncv' Objects
ggmncv GGMncv
head.eip Print the Head of 'eip' Objects
inference Statistical Inference for Regularized Gaussian Graphical Models
kl_mvn Kullback-Leibler Divergence
ledoit_wolf Ledoit and Wolf Shrinkage Estimator
mle_known_graph Precision Matrix with Known Graph
nct Network Comparison Test
penalty_derivative Penalty Derivative
penalty_function Penalty Function
plot.eip Plot Edge Inclusion 'Probabilities'
plot.ggmncv Plot 'ggmncv' Objects
plot.graph Network Plot for 'select' Objects
plot.penalty_derivative Plot 'penalty_derivative' Objects
plot.penalty_function Plot 'penalty_function' Objects
predict.ggmncv Predict method for 'ggmncv' Objects
print.eip Print 'eip' Objects
print.ggmncv Print 'ggmncv' Objects
print.nct Print 'nct' Objects
ptsd Data: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sachs Data: Sachs Network
score_binary Binary Classification
significance_test Statistical Inference for Regularized Gaussian Graphical Models