A Data Manipulation and Analysis Package for Calcium Indicator Data

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Documentation for package ‘GCalcium’ version 1.0.0

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averaged_trials Averages signals across trials
avg_curve_slope Get average curve slopes
between_trial_change Compare mean activity between trials
centered_AUC Compute centered area under curve
consecutive_trial_change Compare mean activity in consecutive trials
find_peaks Get peaks/valleys in waveform data
format_data Reformat and label data into GCalcium format
GCaMP Pre-filtered GCaMP calcium activity waveforms
inflect_points Find inflection pooints
inflect_points_df Find inflection points and curve numbers
moving_window Summarize data within windows of time
perc_baseline Find the percent change from baseline
plot_trials Plot specified trials
within_trial_change Get mean activity change within a trial
z_score Transform values into z scores