Fuzzy Statistical Tools

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Documentation for package ‘FuzzySTs’ version 0.2

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adjusted.weight.MI Calculates the adjusted weight for a given main-item of a linguistic questionnaire
adjusted.weight.SI Calculates the adjusted weight for a given sub-item of a linguistic questionnaire
Bertoluzza Calculates a distance by the d_Bertoluzza between fuzzy numbers
boot.mean.algo1 Estimates the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio LR by the Algorithm 1 using the mean
boot.mean.algo2 Estimates the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio LR by the Algorithm 2 using the mean
boot.mean.ml Estimates the bootstrap distribution of the likelihood ratio LR by the Algorithm 1 or 2 using the mean
cube Cube a number
D2 Calculates a distance by the D2 between fuzzy numbers
Defuzz.FANOVA Defuzzify the fuzzy sums of squares calculated by a FANOVA model by an exact calculation or an approximation
Delta.pq Calculates a distance by the d_Delta.pq between fuzzy numbers
Delta_jki Calculates the factor Delta_jki
distance Calculates a distance between fuzzy numbers
DSGD Calculates a distance by the SGD between fuzzy numbers
DSGD.G Calculates a distance by the d_DSGD.G between fuzzy numbers
FANOVA Computes a FANOVA model by a convenient metric, an exact calculation or an approximation
FANOVA.approximation Computes a FANOVA model by an approximation
FANOVA.distance Computes a FANOVA model by a convenient metric
FANOVA.exact Computes a FANOVA model by an exact calculation
FANOVA.summary Prints the summary of the estimation of a FANOVA metric-based model
fci.ml Estimates a fuzzy confidence interval by the Likelihood method
fci.ml.boot Estimates a fuzzy confidence interval by the Likelihood method
FMANOVA Computes a Mult-FANOVA model by a convenient metric, an exact calculation or an approximation
FMANOVA.approximation Computes a Mult-FANOVA model by an approximation
FMANOVA.distance Computes a Mult-FANOVA model by a convenient metric
FMANOVA.exact Computes a Mult-FANOVA model by an exact calculation
FMANOVA.interaction.summary Prints the summary of the estimation of the interaction in a Mult-FANOVA metric-based model
FMANOVA.summary Prints the summary of the estimation of a Mult-FANOVA metric-based model
Ftests Calculates multiple tests corresponding to the fuzzy response variable
FTukeyHSD Calculates the Tukey HSD test corresponding to the fuzzy response variable
FUZZ Fuzzifies a variable modelled by trapezoidal or triangular fuzzy numbers
Fuzzy.CI.ML.test Computes a fuzzy inference test by the fuzzy confidence intervals method calculated by the Likelihood method
Fuzzy.CI.test Computes a fuzzy inference test by the traditional fuzzy confidence intervals
Fuzzy.decisions Computes the fuzzy decisions of a fuzzy inference test by the traditional fuzzy confidence intervals
Fuzzy.decisions.ML Computes the fuzzy decisions of a fuzzy inference test by the fuzzy confidence intervals by the likelihood method
Fuzzy.Difference Calculates the difference between two fuzzy numbers
Fuzzy.exact.variance Calculates the exact variance
Fuzzy.exact.variance.poly.left Gives the polynomial forms of the numerical alpha-cuts modelling the exact variance
Fuzzy.exact.variance.poly.right Gives the polynomial forms of the numerical alpha-cuts modelling the exact variance
Fuzzy.p.value Computes the fuzzy p-value of a given fuzzy hypothesis test
Fuzzy.p.value.mean Computes the fuzzy p-value of a given fuzzy hypothesis test for the mean
fuzzy.predicted.values Calculates the fuzzy predicted values
fuzzy.residuals Calculates the fuzzy residuals
Fuzzy.sample.mean Calculates the fuzzy sample mean
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - general
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation1 Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 1
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation2 Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 2
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation3 Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 3
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation4 Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 4
Fuzzy.sample.variance.approximation5 Fuzzy sample variance (approx) - method 5
Fuzzy.Square Calculates numerically the square of a fuzzy number
Fuzzy.Square.poly.left Gives the polynomial expression of the left alpha-levels of the numerical square of a fuzzy number
Fuzzy.Square.poly.right Gives the polynomial expression of the right alpha-levels of the numerical square of a fuzzy number
Fuzzy.variance Calculates the variance by a chosen method: distance, exact or approximation
GaussianBellFuzzyNumber Creates a Gaussian two-sided bell fuzzy number
GaussianFuzzyNumber Creates a Gaussian fuzzy number
GFUZZ Fuzzifies a variable modelled by any type of fuzzy numbers
GLOB.EVAL Calculates the global evaluation of a linguistic questionnaire
GLOB.EVAL.mean Calculates the weighted mean of the set of individual evaluations
GSGD Calculates a distance between fuzzy numbers
IND.EVAL Calculates the individual evaluations of a linguistic questionnaire
int.0 Numerical integration by the trivial method - method 1
int.ct Numerical integration by the composite trapezoidal method - method 3
int.simpson Numerical integration by the Simpson method - method 4
int.t Numerical integration - method 2
integrate.num Numerical integration by a particular method
is.alphacuts Verifies if a matrix is set of left and right alpha-cuts
is.balanced Verifies if a design is balanced
is.fuzzification Verifies if a matrix is a fuzzification matrix
is.trfuzzification Verifies if a matrix is a fuzzification matrix of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers
Kurtosis Calculates the excess of kurtosis of a random fuzzy variable
Mid.Spr Calculates a distance by the d_Mid.Spr between fuzzy numbers
Moment Calculates a central sample moment of a random fuzzy variable
nbreakpoints Calculates the number of breakpoints of a numerical matrix of alpha-cuts
n_jk.. Calculates the number of answers by a specific sub-item
n_jkq. Calculates the number of answers by a specific linguistic of a sub-item
p.value.fisher Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Fisher distribution
p.value.log Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Logistic distribution
p.value.mean.log Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a logistic distribution for the mean
p.value.mean.normal Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a normal distribution for the mean
p.value.mean.poisson Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Poisson distribution for the mean
p.value.mean.Student Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Student distribution for the mean
p.value.normal Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a normal distribution
p.value.poisson Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Poisson distribution
p.value.Student Calculates the p-value of fuzzy observations taken from a Student distribution
R Calculates the indicator of information's rate of the data base
Rho1 Calculates a distance by the Rho1 between fuzzy numbers
Rho2 Calculates a distance by the Rho2 between fuzzy numbers
Rhop Calculates a distance by the d_Rhop between fuzzy numbers
Ri Calculates the indicator of information's rate of the data base for a given unit
Sample.variance Calculates the sample variance by a convenient metric
SEQ.ORDERING Calculates the sequential sums of squares by a convenient metric
SEQ.ORDERING.APPROXIMATION Calculates the sequential sums of squares by an approximation
SEQ.ORDERING.EXACT Calculates the sequential sums of squares by an exact calculation
SGD Calculates a distance by the SGD between fuzzy numbers
Skewness Calculates the skewness of a random fuzzy variable
square Square a number
tr.gfuzz Fuzzifies a variable modelled by trapezoidal or triangular fuzzy numbers
wabl Calculates a distance by the d_wabl between fuzzy numbers
Weighted.fuzzy.mean Calculates the weighted fuzzy sample mean