Common arguments used in several functions in this package.
series |
a T \times K array with T observations from the
K -dimensional time series \mathbf{X}_t . Can be a matrix , data.frame ,
or a multivariate ts object.
U |
a T \times K array with T observations from the
K -dimensional whitened (whiten )
time series \mathbf{U}_t . Can be a matrix , data.frame , or a
multivariate ts object.
mvspectrum.output |
an object of class "mvspectrum" representing
the multivariate spectrum of \mathbf{X}_t (not necessarily normalize d).
f.U |
multivariate spectrum of class 'mvspectrum' with
normalize = TRUE .
algorithm.control |
list; control settings for any iterative ForeCA
algorithm. See complete_algorithm_control for details.
entropy.control |
list; control settings for entropy estimation.
See complete_entropy_control for details.
spectrum.control |
list; control settings for spectrum estimation.
See complete_spectrum_control for details.
entropy.method |
string; method to estimate the entropy from discrete
probabilities p_i ; here probabilities are the spectral density
evaluated at the Fourier frequencies,
\widehat{p}_i = \widehat{f}(\omega_i) .
spectrum.method |
string; method for spectrum estimation; see method
argument in mvspectrum .
threshold |
numeric; values of spectral density below threshold are set to
0 ; default threshold = 0 .
smoothing |
logical; if TRUE the spectrum will be
smoothed with a nonparametric estimate using gam
and an exponential family (with link = log ). Only works
for univariate spectrum. The smoothing
parameter is chosen automatically using generalized cross-validation
(see gam for details). Default: FALSE .
base |
logarithm base; entropy is measured in “nats” for
base = exp(1) ; in “bits” if base = 2 (default).