Forecastable Component Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘ForeCA’ version 0.2.7

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ForeCA-package Implementation of Forecastable Component Analysis (ForeCA)
biplot.foreca Plot, summary, and print methods for class 'foreca'
check_mvspectrum_normalized Estimates spectrum of multivariate time series
check_whitened whitens multivariate data
common-arguments List of common arguments
complete-controls Completes several control settings
complete_algorithm_control Completes several control settings
complete_entropy_control Completes several control settings
complete_spectrum_control Completes several control settings
continuous_entropy Shannon entropy for a continuous pdf
discrete_entropy Shannon entropy for discrete pmf
fill_hermitian Computes quadratic form x' A x
ForeCA Implementation of Forecastable Component Analysis (ForeCA)
foreca Forecastable Component Analysis
foreca-utils Plot, summary, and print methods for class 'foreca'
foreca.EM-aux ForeCA EM auxiliary functions
foreca.EM.E_and_M_step ForeCA EM auxiliary functions
foreca.EM.E_step ForeCA EM auxiliary functions
foreca.EM.h ForeCA EM auxiliary functions
foreca.EM.M_step ForeCA EM auxiliary functions
foreca.EM.one_weightvector EM-like algorithm to estimate optimal ForeCA transformation
foreca.multiple_weightvectors Forecastable Component Analysis
foreca.one_weightvector Forecastable Component Analysis
foreca.one_weightvector-utils Plot, summary, and print methods for class 'foreca.one_weightvector'
get_spectrum_from_mvspectrum Estimates spectrum of multivariate time series
initialize_weightvector Initialize weightvector for iterative ForeCA algorithms
mvpgram Estimates spectrum of multivariate time series
mvspectrum Estimates spectrum of multivariate time series
mvspectrum-utils S3 methods for class 'mvspectrum'
mvspectrum2wcov Compute (weighted) covariance matrix from frequency spectrum
normalize_mvspectrum Estimates spectrum of multivariate time series
Omega Estimate forecastability of a time series
plot.foreca Plot, summary, and print methods for class 'foreca'
plot.foreca.one_weightvector Plot, summary, and print methods for class 'foreca.one_weightvector'
plot.mvspectrum S3 methods for class 'mvspectrum'
print.foreca Plot, summary, and print methods for class 'foreca'
quadratic_form Computes quadratic form x' A x
sfa Slow Feature Analysis
spectral_entropy Estimates spectral entropy of a time series
spectrum_of_linear_combination Estimates spectrum of multivariate time series
sqrt_matrix whitens multivariate data
summary.foreca Plot, summary, and print methods for class 'foreca'
summary.foreca.one_weightvector Plot, summary, and print methods for class 'foreca.one_weightvector'
weightvector2entropy_wcov Compute (weighted) covariance matrix from frequency spectrum
whiten whitens multivariate data