FinePop2-package |
Fine-Scale Population Analysis (Rewrite for Gene-Trait-Environment Interaction Analysis) |
clip.GENEPOP |
Remove designated markers from a GENEPOP file. |
globalFST |
Genome-wide global FST (Weir & Cockerham 1984). |
Generalized least squres for regression analysis considering auto correlation. |
herring |
An example dataset of Atlantic herring. |
jsmackerel |
An example dataset of Japanese Spanich mackerel in GENEPOP and frequency format. |
locus_specificFST |
Locus-specific global FST (Kitada et al. 2007, 2017). |
pop_pairwiseFST |
Genome-wide poppulation-paiwise FST (Nei & Chesser 1983). |
pop_specificFST |
Genome-wide population-specific FST (Weir & Goudet 2017). |
read.GENEPOP |
Create a genotype data object of populations from a GENEPOP format file. |