elongationAnalysis {FAMetA} | R Documentation |
Elongation analysis of fatty acids longer than 16 carbons.
Elongation analysis of fatty acids longer than 16 carbons.
R2Thr = 0.98,
maxiter = 10000,
maxconvergence = 100,
startpoints = 5,
D2Thr = 0.1,
parameters = FAMetA::parameters,
verbose = TRUE
fadata |
fadata containing synthesis results. |
R2Thr |
positive numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the minimum R2 allowed for fits. |
maxiter |
parameter passed to nls.control. Positive integer specifying the maximum number of iterations allowed. |
maxconvergence |
positive integer specifying the maximum number of successes before choosing the winning model. |
startpoints |
positive integer specifying the number of starting points for each parameter to be estimated. |
D2Thr |
minimum D2 value allowed to perform the elongation analysis. |
parameters |
parameters to be estimated for each fatty acid. It can be modified to change them or to add new fatty acids (adding new rows). |
verbose |
print information messages. |
Main route of de novo synthesis plus elongation starts at 16 carbons and then adds blocks of 2 carbons. Therefore, isotopologue distributions for FA longer than 16 carbons will be modeled taking into account de novo synthesis until FA(16:0), followed by single and independent elongation steps (E1, E2 …, En). Parameters D0, D1 and D2 are imported from FA(16:0) or FA(14:0) and thus, the only relevant parameters to be estimated in the elongation analysis are Ei and I. For n6 and n3 series, elongation is expected from FA(18:2)n6 and FA(18:3)n3 so that synthesis (S16:0) and first elongation step (E1) are set to 0.
fadata list. Elongation analysis results will be saved at the elongation element of the fa list.
M Isabel Alcoriza-Balaguer <maribel_alcoriza@iislafe.es>
ssdata <- dataCorrection(ssexamplefadata, blankgroup="Blank")
ssdata <- synthesisAnalysis(ssdata, R2Thr = 0.95, maxiter = 1e3,
maxconvergence = 100, startpoints = 5)
ssdata <- elongationAnalysis(ssdata, R2Thr = 0.95, maxiter = 1e4,
maxconvergence=100, startpoints = 5, D2Thr = 0.1)
## Not run:
fadata <- dataCorrection(examplefadata, blankgroup = "Blank")
fadata <- synthesisAnalysis(fadata, R2Thr = 0.95, maxiter = 1e3,
maxconvergence = 100, startpoints = 5)
fadata <- elongationAnalysis(fadata, R2Thr = 0.95, maxiter = 1e4,
maxconvergence=100, startpoints = 5, D2Thr = 0.1)
## End(Not run)