EventPredInCure-package |
Event Prediction Including Cured Population |
b4pst |
Function to calculate survival time and censor variables before and post a time lag (delay treatment effect time) |
Chen_2016_event_time |
Function to generate event time in the existence of cured population |
Chen_2016_event_time_abovetime0 |
Function to generate event time based on Chen 2016 method for ongoing subject |
Chen_2016_event_time_piecewise_exp_abovetime0 |
Function to generate event time with piecewise exponential distribution for ongoing subject in the existence of cured population |
FH_test |
Fleming-Harrington weighted log-rank tests |
finalData |
Final enrollment and event data after achieving the target number of events |
fitDropout |
Fit time-to-dropout model |
fitEnrollment |
Fit enrollment model |
fitEvent |
Fit time-to-event model |
getPrediction |
Enrollment and event prediction |
interimData1 |
Interim enrollment and event data before enrollment completion |
interimData2 |
Interim enrollment and event data after enrollment completion |
loglik_Chen_exponential |
Log-likelihood function for exponential distribution with cured population |
loglik_Chen_log_logistic |
Log-likelihood function for log-logistic distribution with cured population |
loglik_Chen_log_normal |
Log-likelihood function for log-normal distribution with cured population |
loglik_Chen_piecewise_exponential |
Log-likelihood function for piecewise-exponential distribution with cured population |
loglik_Chen_weibull |
Log-likelihood function for Weibull distribution with cured population |
predictEnrollment |
Predict enrollment |
predictEvent |
Predict event time for ongoing subjects with or without cured population. |
smed |
Function to output summary statistics from survfit function output |
SP_Chen_exponential |
Survival probability function of the exponential distribution with cured population |
SP_Chen_log_logistic |
Survival probability function of the log-logistic distribution with cured population |
SP_Chen_log_normal |
Survival probability function of the log-normal distribution with cured population |
SP_Chen_piecewise_exponential |
Survival probability function of the piecewise exponential distribution with cured population |
SP_Chen_weibull |
Survival probability function of the Weibull distribution with cured population |
summarizeObserved |
Summarize observed data |
test_plot |
Function to plot KM plot for time-to-event data in simulation |
test_procedure |
Function to provide summary and test statistics based on simulation. |
tte |
Calculating log-rank test p-value, median time from each arm, hazard ratio between two arms, number of subjects and events in time-to-event outcomes. |