Bayesian Single Arm Sample Size Calculation Software

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Documentation for package ‘EurosarcBayes’ version 1.1

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EurosarcBayes-package Bayesian sample size calculation software
bayes_binom_one_postlike_nstage Single arm, any stage, cut-point calculator us posterior predictive distribution of a successful trial occurring to make the cuts.
bayes_binom_one_postprob_nstage Single arm, any stage, cut-point calculator using posterior probabilities to make the cuts.
bayes_binom_one_postprob_onestage Bayesian single-arm single-endpoint minimum sample size
bayes_binom_two_loss Bayesian, single arm, two endpoint trial designs, using loss functions to make decisions
bayes_binom_two_postlike Bayesian, single arm, two endpoint trial designs.
bayes_binom_two_postprob Bayesian, single arm, two endpoint trial design, using posterior probability to make decisions.
binom_one_alpha Single arm, exact p-value calculator for single or multi-stage binomial trials.
binom_one_assurance Single arm, assurance calculator for single or multi-stage binomial trials.
binom_one_power Single arm, power calculator for single or multi-stage binomial trials.
binom_two_bryantday Class '"binom_two_bryantday"'
binom_two_bryantday-class Class '"binom_two_bryantday"'
binom_two_singlestage Class '"binom_two_singlestage"'
binom_two_singlestage-class Class '"binom_two_singlestage"'
EurosarcBayes Bayesian sample size calculation software
freq_binom_one_landemets Single arm, two stage, Binomial sample size calculator
freq_binom_one_onestage Bayesian single-arm single-endpoint minimum sample size
freq_binom_one_simons_twostage Single arm, two stage, Binomial sample size calculator
freq_binom_two_bryantday_twostage Single arm, two independent endpoint extension to Simons two-stage design
freq_binom_two_singlestage Frequentist single-arm two-endpoint trial sample size
list_trialDesign_binom_two Bayesian, single arm, two endpoint trial design, using posterior probability to make decisions.
plot-method Class '"trialDesign_binom_one"'
plot-method Class '"trialDesign_binom_two"'
plot_binomassurance Single arm, assurance calculator for single or multi-stage binomial trials.
plot_binom_one_power Single arm, power calculator for single or multi-stage binomial trials.
print-method Class '"trialDesign_binom_one"'
print-method Class '"trialDesign_binom_two"'
print.list_trialDesign_binom_two Bayesian, single arm, two endpoint trial design, using posterior probability to make decisions.
properties ~~ Methods for Function 'properties' in Package 'EurosarcBayes' ~~
properties-method ~~ Methods for Function 'properties' in Package 'EurosarcBayes' ~~
properties-methods ~~ Methods for Function 'properties' in Package 'EurosarcBayes' ~~
properties_binom_one Properties for single-arm single binomial endpoint trial design
shiny_binom_single_onestage Bayesian single-arm single-endpoint minimum sample size
shiny_binom_single_twostage Single arm, two stage, Binomial sample size calculator
shiny_LINES_posterior LINES prior-posterior distribution with posterior probabilities
show-method Class '"trialDesign_binom_one"'
show-method Class '"trialDesign_binom_two"'
tradeoff_ellipse_graph Functions for integration for Bayesian loss methodology
tradeoff_ellipse_integrate Functions for integration for Bayesian loss methodology
tradeoff_linear_graph Functions for integration for Bayesian loss methodology
tradeoff_linear_integrate Functions for integration for Bayesian loss methodology
tradeoff_ratio_graph Functions for integration for Bayesian loss methodology
tradeoff_ratio_integrate Functions for integration for Bayesian loss methodology
tradeoff_ratio_intercepts Functions for integration for Bayesian loss methodology
tradeoff_square_graph Functions for integration for Bayesian loss methodology
tradeoff_square_integrate Functions for integration for Bayesian loss methodology
trialDesign_binom_one Class '"trialDesign_binom_one"'
trialDesign_binom_one-class Class '"trialDesign_binom_one"'
trialDesign_binom_two Class '"trialDesign_binom_two"'
trialDesign_binom_two-class Class '"trialDesign_binom_two"'