EpiModel-package {EpiModel}R Documentation

Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics


Package: EpiModel
Type: Package
Version: 2.4.0
Date: 2023-06-20
License: GPL-3
LazyLoad: yes


The EpiModel software package provides tools for building, solving, and visualizing mathematical models of infectious disease dynamics. These tools allow users to simulate epidemic models in multiple frameworks for both pedagogical purposes ("base models") and novel research purposes ("extension models").

Model Classes and Infectious Disease Types

EpiModel provides functionality for three classes of epidemic models:

EpiModel supports three infectious disease types to be run across all of the three classes.

These basic disease types may be extended in any arbitrarily complex way to simulate specific diseases for research questions.

Model Parameterization and Simulation

EpiModel uses three model setup functions for each model class to input the necessary parameters, initial conditions, and control settings:

With the models parameterized, the functions for simulating epidemic models are:


The EpiModel website is at http://www.epimodel.org/, and the source code is at https://github.com/EpiModel/EpiModel. Bug reports and feature requests are welcome.

Our primary methods paper on EpiModel is published in the Journal of Statistical Software. If you use EpiModel for any research or teaching purposes, please cite this reference:

Jenness SM, Goodreau SM, and Morris M. EpiModel: An R Package for Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease over Networks. Journal of Statistical Software. 2018; 84(8): 1-47. doi:10.18637/jss.v084.i08.

We have also developed two extension packages for modeling specific disease dynamics. For HIV and bacterial sexually transmitted infections, we have developed EpiModelHIV, which is available on Github at https://github.com/EpiModel/EpiModelHIV. For COVID-19, we have developed EpiModelCOVID, which is available at https://github.com/EpiModel/EpiModelCOVID.

[Package EpiModel version 2.4.0 Index]