Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics

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Documentation for package ‘EpiModel’ version 2.4.0

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EpiModel-package Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics

-- A --

absdiffby Definition for absdiffby ERGM Term
absdiffnodemix Definition for absdiffnodemix ERGM Term
add_attr Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
add_control Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
add_epi Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
add_init Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
add_param Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
add_vertices Fast Version of network::add.vertices for Edgelist-formatted Network
append_attr Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
append_core_attr Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
apportion_lr Apportion Using the Largest Remainder Method
arrive_nodes Arrive New Nodes to the netsim_dat Object Extract Model Data for Deterministic Compartmental Models Extract Model Data for Stochastic Models Extract Timed Edgelists for netdx Objects Extract Model Data for Stochastic Models Convert transmat Infection Tree into a network Object
as.phylo.transmat Convert transmat Infection Tree into a phylo Object

-- C --

check_degdist_bal Check Degree Distribution for Balance in Target Statistics
color_tea Create a TEA Variable for Infection Status for 'ndtv' Animations
comp_plot Plot Compartment Diagram for Epidemic Models
comp_plot.dcm Plot Compartment Diagram for Epidemic Models
comp_plot.icm Plot Compartment Diagram for Epidemic Models
comp_plot.netsim Plot Compartment Diagram for Epidemic Models
control.dcm Control Settings for Deterministic Compartmental Models
control.icm Control Settings for Stochastic Individual Contact Models Control Settings for Stochastic Network Models
create_dat_object Create a Minimal netsim_dat Main List Object for a Network Model
create_scenario_list Make a list of EpiModel scenarios from a data.frame of scenarios

-- D --

dcm Deterministic Compartmental Models
delete_edges Remove Edges That Include Specified Vertices
delete_vertices Fast Version of network::delete.vertices for Edgelist-formatted Network
depart_nodes Depart Nodes from the netsim_dat Object
dissolution_coefs Dissolution Coefficients for Stochastic Network Models

-- E --

edgelist_censor Table of Edge Censoring
EpiModel Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics
epiweb EpiModel Web

-- F --

fuzzynodematch Definition for fuzzynodematch ERGM Term

-- G --

generate_random_params Generate Values for Random Parameters
geom_bands ggplot2 Geom for Quantile Bands
get_attr Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_attr_history Extract the Attributes History from Network Simulations
get_attr_list Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_control Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_control_list Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_cumulative_degree Return the Cumulative Degree of a Set of Index Nodes
get_cumulative_edgelist Get a Cumulative Edgelist From a Specified Network
get_cumulative_edgelists_df Get the Cumulative Edgelists of a Model
get_current_timestep Return the Current Timestep
get_degree Get Individual Degree from Network or Edgelist
get_edgelist Get an Edgelist From the Specified Network
get_epi Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_epi_list Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_formula_term_attr Output ERGM Formula Attributes into a Character Vector
get_init Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_init_list Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_network Extract Network Objects from Network Simulations
get_network.netdx Extract Network Objects from Network Simulations
get_network.netsim Extract Network Objects from Network Simulations
get_network.netsim_dat Extract Network Objects from Network Simulations
get_network_attributes Get Network Attributes from a Network Object
get_network_control Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_network_term_attr Output Network Attributes into a Character Vector
get_nwstats Extract Network Statistics from netsim or netdx Object
get_param Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_param_list Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
get_param_set Extract the Parameter Set from Network Simulations
get_partners Return the Historical Contacts (Partners) of a Set of Index Nodes
get_posit_ids Convert Unique Identifiers to/from Positional Identifiers
get_sims Extract Network Simulations
get_transmat Extract Transmissions Matrix from Network Epidemic Model
get_unique_ids Convert Unique Identifiers to/from Positional Identifiers
get_vertex_attribute Get Vertex Attribute on Network Object

-- I --

icm Stochastic Individual Contact Models
increment_timestep Increment the Current Timestep
init.dcm Initial Conditions for Deterministic Compartmental Models
init.icm Initial Conditions for Stochastic Individual Contact Models Initial Conditions for Stochastic Network Models
InitErgmTerm.absdiffby Definition for absdiffby ERGM Term
InitErgmTerm.absdiffnodemix Definition for absdiffnodemix ERGM Term
InitErgmTerm.fuzzynodematch Definition for fuzzynodematch ERGM Term
is.transmat Extract Transmissions Matrix from Network Epidemic Model
is_active_posit_ids Are These Nodes Active (Positional IDs)
is_active_unique_ids Are These Nodes Active (Unique IDs)

-- M --

merge.icm Merge Data across Stochastic Individual Contact Model Simulations
merge.netsim Merge Model Simulations across netsim Objects
modules.icm Modules for Stochastic Individual Contact Models Modules for Stochastic Network Models
multilayer Specify Controls by Network
mutate_epi Add New Epidemiology Variables

-- N --

net-accessor Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
netdx Dynamic Network Model Diagnostics
netest Dynamic Network Model Estimation
netsim Stochastic Network Models
network_initialize Initialize Network Object Dynamic Network Updates

-- P --

padded_vector Grow a Vector to a Given Size, Padding it With Empty Elements
param.dcm Epidemic Parameters for Deterministic Compartmental Models
param.icm Epidemic Parameters for Stochastic Individual Contact Models Epidemic Parameters for Stochastic Network Models
param.net_from_table Parameters List for Stochastic Network Models from a Formatted Data Frame
param_random Create a Value Sampler for Random Parameters
plot.dcm Plot Data from a Deterministic Compartmental Epidemic Model
plot.icm Plot Data from a Stochastic Individual Contact Epidemic Model
plot.netdx Plot Dynamic Network Model Diagnostics
plot.netsim Plot Data from a Stochastic Network Epidemic Model
plot.transmat Plot transmat Infection Tree in Three Styles
print.netdx Utility Function for Printing netdx Object

-- R --

record_attr_history Record Attribute History
record_raw_object Record an Arbitrary Object During a Simulation

-- S --

set_attr Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
set_control Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
set_current_timestep Set the Current Timestep
set_epi Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
set_init Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
set_param Functions to Access and Edit the Main netsim_dat Object in Network Models
set_transmat Save Transmission Matrix
set_vertex_attribute Set Vertex Attribute on Network Object
summary.dcm Summary Model Statistics
summary.icm Summary Model Statistics
summary.netsim Summary Model Statistics

-- T --

transmat Extract Transmissions Matrix from Network Epidemic Model
trim_netest Function to Reduce the Size of a 'netest' Object
truncate_sim Truncate Simulation Time Series

-- U --

unique_id-tools Convert Unique Identifiers to/from Positional Identifiers
update_cumulative_edgelist Update a Cumulative Edgelist of the Specified Network
update_dissolution Adjust Dissolution Component of Network Model Fit
update_params Update Model Parameters for Stochastic Network Models
use_scenario Apply a scenario object to a object