NetworkEcoSeries {EcotoneFinder}R Documentation

Networkeco for data series


Networkeco for data series


NetworkEcoSeries(ecotonefinder, threshold = 0.8, method = c("cmeans",
  "vegclust"), plot.type = c("percentage", "heatmap", "corrplot",
  "network"), plot = c("species", "community"), no.plot = FALSE,
  order.sp = NULL, dist.method = "inner_product", dist = c("count",
  "relative", "raw"), = c("site", "cluster"),
  method.corr = "number", ...)



A list containing elements named in the same way than EcotoneFinderSeries function outcomes. Must contain cmeans results or vegclust results.


If dist = "count", the membership grade threshold used to sort the species in the different clusters.


The membership computation method to be used. Must be present in the ecotonefinder list.


Which graphical representation to be plotted. Among "percentage", "corrplot", "heatmap","network"


If plot = "species", the distances are computed between the species in the data. If plot = "community", the distances are computed between the cluster centroids.


Logical. Should the plot be displayed?. Set to TRUE to gain computation time with large community matrix.


Vector providing the order in which to arrange the species. If NULL, the column order will be kept.


Distance method for the computation of a distance matrix, when dist = "raw" or dist = "percent".


The type of data on which distance calculations are made from. If dist = "raw", the distance matrix is computed from the membership matrix directly. if dist = "relative", the distance matrix is computed from the relative memberships grades of each species in the clusters (between 0 and 1). If dist = "count", the species are assigned to clusters according to the threshold and the distance matrix is computed from the number of common species between the different clusters. See details.

If = "site" the nodes of the networks will be colored according to the different times or sites of the series. If = "cluster" the nodes of the network will be colored according to the different fuzzy clusters. Can be user defined (see qgraph documentation for details) but must be a factor of the same lenght as the nodes of the graph.


If plot.type = "corrplot", the method to be used for the corrplot. Must be one of "circle", "square", "ellipse", "number", "shade", "color", "pie". Default to "number".


Additional arguments to be passed to the plotting functions, see details.


NetworkEcoSeries is a generalisation of the NetworkEco function to analyses space/time series. The ... argument may be used to pass additional arguments to the plotting functions (for graphical purposes).


A list containing the percentage matrix, the distance matrix and the network object (depending of the arguments passed to the function)


  SyntheticTrialSeries <- SyntheticDataSeries(CommunityPool = 40,
                                              CommunityNum = 4, SpCo = NULL,
                                              Length = 500, SeriesNum = 5,
                                              Parameters = list(a=rep(60, 4),
                                              pal = c("#008585", "#B8CDAE", "#E6C186", "#C7522B"),
                                              replacement = TRUE,
                                              Parameters.repl = TRUE)

  EcoTimeSeriesTrial <- EcotoneFinderSeries(data = SyntheticTrialSeries,
                                            dist = "Distance",
                                            method = c("cmeans","vegclust"),
                                            series = "Time", groups = 4,
                                            standardize = "hellinger", na.rm=TRUE)

#### Network from the common number of species above membership threshold between clusters:
  SyntheticNetworkSeries <- NetworkEcoSeries(EcoTimeSeriesTrial, threshold = .2,
                                             method = "cmeans", plot.type = "network",
                                             plot = "community", dist = "count",
                                    = "cluster",
                                             dist.method = "inner_product",
                                             no.plot = FALSE, layout = "spring",
                                             shape = "ellipse",
                                             palette = "colorblind")

#### Network of relations between species from their raw membership values in each cluster:
  SyntheticNetworkSeries <- NetworkEcoSeries(EcoTimeSeriesTrial, threshold = .2,
                                             method = "cmeans", plot.type = "network",
                                             plot = "species", dist = "raw",
                                             dist.method = "inner_product",
                                             no.plot = FALSE, layout = "spring",
                                             shape = "ellipse",
                                             palette = "colorblind")

[Package EcotoneFinder version 0.2.3 Index]