Easy Model-Builder Functions for 'OpenMx'

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Documentation for package ‘EasyMx’ version 0.3-2

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EasyMx-package EasyMx: Easy modeling in OpenMx
EasyMx EasyMx: Easy modeling in OpenMx
emxCholeskyComponent Creates component for a Biometric Cholesky Model
emxCholeskyVariance Create a variance matrix in Cholesky form
emxCommonPathwayComponent Creates component for a Biometric Common Pathway Model
emxCovariances Create a set of covariances
emxFactorModel Create a factor model
emxGeneticFactorComponent Creates component for a Genetic Factor Model
emxGeneticFactorVariance Creates a variance matrix accoring to the Genetic Factor Model
emxGrowthModel Create a latent growth curve model
emxIndependentPathwayComponent Creates component for a Biometric Independent Pathway Model
emxKroneckerVariance Creates a large Variance matrix by Kroneckering two smaller matrices
emxLoadings Create a factor loadings matrix
emxMeans Create a set of means
emxMixtureModel Create a mixture model
emxModelFactor Create a factor model
emxModelGrowth Create a latent growth curve model
emxModelMixture Create a mixture model
emxModelRegression Create a regression model
emxModelStateSpaceMixture Create a state space mixture model
emxModelTwin Creates behavior genetics Twin Model
emxModelVAR Create a vector autoregressive (VAR) model
emxRegressionModel Create a regression model
emxRelatednessMatrix Create a relatedness matrix
emxResiduals Create a residual variances matrix
emxStateSpaceMixtureClassify Classify time series in a state space mixture model
emxStateSpaceMixtureModel Create a state space mixture model
emxThresholds Create a set of thresholds for ordinal data
emxTwinModel Creates behavior genetics Twin Model
emxVarianceComponents Creates Variance Components Model
emxVARModel Create a vector autoregressive (VAR) model