emfa {ERP} | R Documentation |
Expectation-Maximization (EM) estimation of a factor model.
This function implements the EM algorithm by Thayer and Rubin (1982) for the ML estimation of a factor model. It is an internal function used to estimate the factor model parameters in the factor-adjustment methods.
emfa(dta, nbf, min.err = 1e-06, verbose = FALSE, svd.method = c("fast.svd", "irlba"))
dta |
n x m matrix which rows are multivariate m-profiles for n individuals. n can be much smaller than m. |
nbf |
number of factors. It has to be a positive integer, smaller than the rank of |
min.err |
stopping criterion for the iterative algorithm. Maximum difference between the estimated parameters in the last two iterations. |
verbose |
logical value. If |
svd.method |
the EM algorithm starts from an SVD estimation of the factor model parameters. The default option to implement this
SVD is |
Data are centered but not scaled. If a factor model for a correlation matrix is to be estimated, then a scaled dataset is required as an input of the function.
B |
m x |
Psi |
m-vector of specific variances |
Factors |
n x |
Objective |
Final value of the stopping criterion, after convergence. |
David Causeur, IRMAR, UMR 6625 CNRS, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France.
Friguet, C., Kloareg, M. and Causeur, D. (2009). A factor model approach to multiple testing under dependence. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 104 (488), 1406-1415.
Rubin, D. B., and Thayer, D. T. (1982), EM Algorithms for ML Factor Analysis, Psychometrika, 47 (1), 69-76.
See Also
erpdta = as.matrix(impulsivity[,5:505]) # erpdta contains the whole set of ERP curves
fa = emfa(erpdta,nbf=1) # 1-factor modelling of the ERP curves
fa$Objective # Final difference between the last two iterations
Semp = var(erpdta) # Sample estimation of the variance of ERP curves
Sfa = diag(fa$Psi)+tcrossprod(fa$B) # Factorial estimation of the variance
max(abs(Semp-Sfa)) # Distance between the two estimates
fa = emfa(erpdta,nbf=20) # 20-factor modelling of the ERP curves in erpdta
fa$Objective # Final difference between the last two iterations
Semp = var(erpdta) # Sample estimation of the variance of ERP curves
Sfa = diag(fa$Psi)+tcrossprod(fa$B) # Factorial estimation of the variance
max(abs(Semp-Sfa)) # Distance between the two estimates