Significance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Data

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Documentation for package ‘ERP’ version 2.2

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ERP-package Significance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Data: Significance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Data
emfa Expectation-Maximization (EM) estimation of a factor model.
ERP Significance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Data: Significance Analysis of Event-Related Potentials Data
erpavetest Significance testing of averaged ERPs.
erpfatest Adaptive Factor-Adjustement for multiple testing of ERP data
erpFtest Functional Analysis-of-Variance (Anova) testing of Event-Related Potentials (ERP) data
erpplot Plot of ERP curves or effect curves (difference curve for example) with confidence intervals.
erptest FDR- and FWER-controlling Multiple testing of ERP data
gbtest The Guthrie-Buchwald procedure for significance analysis of ERP data
ifa Inverse of a matrix based on its factor decomposition.
impulsivity Event-Related Potentials data from a study conducted by Shen et al. (2014) to investigate neural correlates of impulsive behavior.
isqrtfa Inverse square-root of a matrix based on its factor decomposition.
nbfactors Determination of the number of factors in high dimensional factor models.