run_Build_PK_IV {EHR} | R Documentation |
Build-PK-IV Module
This module builds PK data for intravenously (IV) administered medications.
conc.columns = list(),
dose.columns = list(),
censor = NULL,
censor.columns = list(),
demo.list = NULL,
demo.columns = list(),
lab.list = NULL,
lab.columns = list(),
dosePriorWindow = 7,
labPriorWindow = 7,
postWindow = NA,
pk.vars = NULL,
drugname = NULL,
check.path = NULL,
missdemo_fn = "-missing-demo",
faildupbol_fn = "DuplicateBolus-",
date.format = "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", = "America/Chicago",
isStrict = FALSE
conc |
concentration data, the output of |
conc.columns |
a named list that should specify columns in concentration data; ‘id’, ‘datetime’, ‘druglevel’ are required. ‘idvisit’ may also be specified; ‘idvisit’ can be used when there are multiple visits (i.e., several occasions) for the same subject. ‘datetime’ is date and time for concentration measurement, which can refer to a single date-time variable (datetime = ‘date_time’) or two variables holding date and time separately (e.g., datetime = c(‘Date’, ‘Time’)). |
dose |
dose data, the output of |
dose.columns |
a named list that should specify columns in dose data; ‘id’ is required. ‘infuseDatetime’ and ‘infuseDose’ should be set if infusion dose data is present. ‘infuseTimeExact’ may also be specified for infusion data – this variable represents an precise time, if for example the ‘infuseDatetime’ variable is rounded. ‘bolusDatetime’ and ‘bolusDose’ should be set if bolus dose data is present. A generic ‘date’ variable may be provided, agnostic to either infusion or bolus dosing. ‘gap’ and ‘weight’ column names may also be set. Any of the date-time variables can be specified as a single date-time variable (infuseDatetime = ‘date_time’) or two variables holding date and time separately (e.g., infuseDatetime = c(‘Date’, ‘Time’)). |
censor |
censoring information, if available; this will censor concentration and dose data for dates occuring after the censor datetime variable. |
censor.columns |
a named list that should specify columns in censoring data; ‘id’, and ‘datetime’ are required. ‘datetime’ is the date and time when data should be censored. This can refer to a single date-time variable (datetime = ‘date_time’) or two variables holding date and time separately (e.g., datetime = c(‘Date’, ‘Time’)). |
demo.list |
demographic information, if available; the output from
demo.columns |
a named list that should specify columns in demographic data; ‘id’ is required. ‘weight’ and ‘idvisit’ may also be used to specify columns for weight or the unique idvisit. Any other columns present in the demographic data are treated as covariates. |
lab.list |
lab data, if available; the output from |
lab.columns |
a named list that should specify columns in lab data; ‘id’, and ‘datetime’ are required. ‘datetime’ is the date and time when the lab data was obtained, which can refer to a single date-time variable (datetime = ‘date_time’) or two variables holding date and time separately (e.g., datetime = c(‘Date’, ‘Time’)). Any other columns present in lab data are treated as lab values. |
dosePriorWindow |
Dose data is merged with drug level data. This value sets the time frame window with the number of days prior to the first drug level data; defaults to 7. |
labPriorWindow |
Lab data is merged with drug level data. This value sets the time frame window with the number of days prior to the first drug level data; defaults to 7. |
postWindow |
Data is merged with drug level data. This postWindow can set the end time for the drug level data, being the number of days after the first drug level data. The default (NA) will use the date of the last drug level data. |
pk.vars |
variables to include in the returned PK data. The variable ‘date’ is a special case; when included, it maps the ‘time’ offset to its original date-time. Other named variables will be merged from the concentration data set. For example, rather than being separate data sets, labs or demographics may already be present in the concentration data. These columns should be named here. |
drugname |
drug of interest, included in filename of check files. The default (NULL) will produce filenames without drugname included. |
check.path |
path to ‘check’ directory, where check files are created. The default (NULL) will not produce any check files. |
missdemo_fn |
filename for checking NA frequency among demographic data |
faildupbol_fn |
filename for duplicate bolus data |
date.format |
output format for ‘date’ variable | |
output time zone for ‘date’ variable |
isStrict |
logical; when TRUE dose amount totals are strictly summed rather than repeated hourly until stopped |
See EHR Vignette for Structured Data.
Regarding the ‘gap’ variable in the dose dataset, if ‘gap’ is specified in ‘dose.columns’, it allows a continuous infusion given when there are missing records between infusion dosing records. For example, suppose that ‘gap’ = 60 is defined (which is typical gap size when infusion dosing is supposed to be recorded hourly for inpatients) and time between two records (i.e., gap) are greater than 1 hour (i.e., missing records). If the gap between the two records is less or equal to twice of the gap (i.e., 2*60 = 120 min), a continuous infusion is assumed until the 2nd dose record; otherwise, the first infusion is assumed to be stopped (i.e., add zero doses) after 60 min (i.e., equal to the gap size) and a new infusion (the 2nd record) starts at its recorded time.
PK data set
# make fake data
build_date <- function(x) format(seq(x, length.out=5, by="1 hour"), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
dates <- unlist(lapply(rep(Sys.time(),3), build_date))
plconc <- data.frame(mod_id = rep(1:3,each=5),
mod_id_visit = rep(1:3,each=5)+0.1,
event = rep(1:5,times=3),
conc.level = 15*exp(-1*rep(1:5,times=3))+rnorm(15,0,0.1),
date.time = as.POSIXct(dates))
ivdose <- data.frame(mod_id = 1:3,
date.dose = substr(dates[seq(1,15,by=5)],1,10),
infuse.time.real = NA, infuse.time = NA, infuse.dose = NA,
bolus.time = as.POSIXct(dates[seq(1,15,by=5)])-300,
bolus.dose = 90,
maxint = 0L,
weight = 45)
run_Build_PK_IV(conc = plconc,
conc.columns = list(id = 'mod_id', datetime = 'date.time',
druglevel = 'conc.level', idvisit = 'mod_id_visit'),
dose = ivdose,
dose.columns = list(id = 'mod_id', date = 'date.dose',
bolusDatetime = 'bolus.time', bolusDose = 'bolus.dose',
gap = 'maxint', weight = 'weight'),
pk.vars = 'date')