Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data Processing and Analysis Tool

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Documentation for package ‘EHR’ version 0.4-11

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EHR-package Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data Processing and Analysis Tool
addLastDose Add Lastdose Data
analysisPheWAS Statistical Analysis for PheWAS
buildDose Combine Dose Data
collapseDose Collapse Dose Data
dataTransformation Data Transformation
dd dd
dd.baseline dd.baseline
dd.baseline.small dd.baseline.small
dd.small dd.small
EHR Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data Processing and Analysis Tool
extractMed Extract medication information from clinical notes
freqNum Convert Character Frequency to Numeric
idCrosswalk Create ID Crosswalk
lam_metadata Example of Metadata for Lamotrigine Data
lam_mxr_parsed Example of Lamotrigine Output from 'parseMedExtractR'
Logistf Firth's penalized-likelihood logistic regression with more decimal places of p-value than 'logistf' function in the R package 'logistf'
makeDose Make Dose Data
parseCLAMP Parse CLAMP NLP Output
parseMedEx Parse MedEx NLP Output
parseMedExtractR Parse medExtractR NLP Output
parseMedXN Parse MedXN NLP Output
processLastDose Process and standardize extracted last dose times
pullFakeId Pull Fake/Mod ID
pullRealId Pull Real ID
readTransform Read and Transform
run_Build_PK_IV Build-PK-IV Module
run_Build_PK_Oral Build-PK-Oral Module
run_Demo Run Demographic Data
run_DrugLevel Run Drug Level Data
run_Labs Run Lab Data
run_MedStrI Run Str Data I
run_MedStrII Run Structured E-Prescription Data
stdzDose Standardize Dose Entity
stdzDoseChange Standardize Dose Change Entity
stdzDoseSchedule Standardize Dose Schedule Entity
stdzDuration Standardize Duration Entity
stdzFreq Standardize Frequency Entity
stdzRoute Standardize Route Entity
stdzStrength Standardize Strength Entity
tac_lab Example of Lab Time Data for Tacrolimus
tac_metadata Example of Metadata for Tacrolimus Data
tac_mxr_parsed Example of Tacrolimus Output from 'parseMedExtractR'
zeroOneTable Make Zero One Contingency Tables