hierEGA {EGAnet} | R Documentation |
Hierarchical EGA
Estimates EGA using the lower-order solution of the Louvain
algorithm (cluster_louvain
)to identify the lower-order
dimensions and then uses factor or network loadings to estimate factor
or network scores, which are used to estimate the higher-order dimensions
(for more details, see Jiménez et al., 2023)
loading.method = c("BRM", "experimental"),
rotation = NULL,
scores = c("factor", "network"),
loading.structure = c("simple", "full"),
impute = c("mean", "median", "none"),
corr = c("auto", "cor_auto", "pearson", "spearman"),
na.data = c("pairwise", "listwise"),
model = c("BGGM", "glasso", "TMFG"),
lower.algorithm = "louvain",
higher.algorithm = c("leiden", "louvain", "walktrap"),
uni.method = c("expand", "LE", "louvain"),
plot.EGA = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
data |
Matrix or data frame.
Should consist only of variables to be used in the analysis
(does not accept correlation matrices)
loading.method |
Character (length = 1).
Sets network loading calculation based on implementation
described in "BRM" (Christensen & Golino, 2021) or
an "experimental" implementation.
Defaults to "BRM"
rotation |
A rotation to use to obtain a simpler structure.
For a list of rotations, see rotations for options.
Defaults to NULL or no rotation.
By setting a rotation, scores estimation will be
based on the rotated loadings rather than unrotated loadings
scores |
Character (length = 1).
How should scores for the higher-order structure be estimated?
Defaults to "network" for network scores computed using
the net.scores function.
Set to "factor" for factor scores computed using
fa . Factors scores will be based on
EFA (as in Jiménez et al., 2023)
Factor scores use the number of communities from
EGA . Estimated factor loadings may
not align with these communities. The plots using factor scores
will have higher order factors that may not completely map on to
the lower order communities. Look at
$hierarchical$higher_order$lower_loadings to determine the
composition of the lower order factors.
loading.structure |
Character (length = 1).
Whether simple structure or the saturated loading matrix
should be used when computing scores (scores = "network" only).
Defaults to "simple"
"simple" structure more closely mirrors traditional
hierarchical factor analytic methods such as CFA; "full"
structure more closely mirrors EFA methods
Simple structure is the more conservative (established) approach
and is therefore the default. Treat "full" as experimental
as proper vetting and validation has not been established
impute |
Character (length = 1).
If there are any missing data, then imputation can be implemented.
Available options:
"none" — Default. No imputation is performed
"mean" — The mean value of each variable is used to replace missing data
for that variable
"median" — The median value of each variable is used to replace missing data
for that variable
corr |
Character (length = 1).
Method to compute correlations.
Defaults to "auto" .
Available options:
"auto" — Automatically computes appropriate correlations for
the data using Pearson's for continuous, polychoric for ordinal,
tetrachoric for binary, and polyserial/biserial for ordinal/binary with
continuous. To change the number of categories that are considered
ordinal, use ordinal.categories
(see polychoric.matrix for more details)
"cor_auto" — Uses cor_auto to compute correlations.
Arguments can be passed along to the function
"pearson" — Pearson's correlation is computed for all
variables regardless of categories
"spearman" — Spearman's rank-order correlation is computed
for all variables regardless of categories
For other similarity measures, compute them first and input them
into data with the sample size (n )
na.data |
Character (length = 1).
How should missing data be handled?
Defaults to "pairwise" .
Available options:
model |
Character (length = 1).
Defaults to "glasso" .
Available options:
"BGGM" — Computes the Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Model.
Set argument ordinal.categories to determine
levels allowed for a variable to be considered ordinal.
See ?BGGM::estimate for more details
"glasso" — Computes the GLASSO with EBIC model selection.
See EBICglasso.qgraph for more details
"TMFG" — Computes the TMFG method.
See TMFG for more details
lower.algorithm |
Character or
igraph cluster_* function (length = 1).
Defaults to the lower order "louvain" with most common
consensus clustering (1000 iterations; see
community.consensus for more details)
Louvain with consensus clustering is strongly
recommended. Using any other algorithm is considered
experimental as they have not been designed to
capture lower order communities
higher.algorithm |
Character or
igraph cluster_* function (length = 1).
Defaults to "walktrap" .
Three options are listed below but all are available
(see community.detection for other options):
"leiden" — See cluster_leiden for more details
"louvain" — By default, "louvain" will implement the Louvain algorithm using
the consensus clustering method (see community.consensus
for more information). This function will implement
consensus.method = "most_common" and consensus.iter = 1000
unless specified otherwise
"walktrap" — See cluster_walktrap for more details
Using algorithm will set only higher.algorithm and
lower.algorithm will default to Louvain with most common
consensus clustering (1000 iterations)
uni.method |
Character (length = 1).
What unidimensionality method should be used?
Defaults to "louvain" .
Available options:
"expand" — Expands the correlation matrix with four variables correlated 0.50.
If number of dimension returns 2 or less in check, then the data
are unidimensional; otherwise, regular EGA with no matrix
expansion is used. This method was used in the Golino et al.'s (2020)
Psychological Methods simulation
"LE" — Applies the Leading Eigenvector algorithm
(cluster_leading_eigen )
on the empirical correlation matrix. If the number of dimensions is 1,
then the Leading Eigenvector solution is used; otherwise, regular EGA
is used. This method was used in the Christensen et al.'s (2023)
Behavior Research Methods simulation
"louvain" — Applies the Louvain algorithm (cluster_louvain )
on the empirical correlation matrix. If the number of dimensions is 1,
then the Louvain solution is used; otherwise, regular EGA is used.
This method was validated Christensen's (2022) PsyArXiv simulation.
Consensus clustering can be used by specifying either
"consensus.method" or "consensus.iter"
plot.EGA |
If TRUE , returns a plot of the network and its estimated dimensions.
Defaults to TRUE
verbose |
Boolean (length = 1).
Whether messages and (insignificant) warnings should be output.
Defaults to FALSE (silent calls).
Set to TRUE to see all messages and warnings for every function call
... |
Additional arguments to be passed on to
auto.correlate ,
network.estimation ,
community.detection ,
community.consensus ,
EGA , and
Returns a list of lists containing:
lower_order |
EGA results for the lower order structure
higher_order |
EGA results for the higher order structure
parameters |
A list containing lower_loadings and lower_scores
that were used to estimate scores and the higher order EGA
results, respectively
dim.variables |
A data frame with variable names and their lower and higher
order assignments
Generalized TEFI using tefi
plot.hierEGA |
Plot output if plot.EGA = TRUE
Marcos Jiménez <marcosjnezhquez@gmailcom>,
Francisco J. Abad <fjose.abad@uam.es>,
Eduardo Garcia-Garzon <egarcia@ucjc.edu>,
Hudson Golino <hfg9s@virginia.edu>,
Alexander P. Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>, and
Luis Eduardo Garrido <luisgarrido@pucmm.edu.do>
Hierarchical EGA simulation
Jiménez, M., Abad, F. J., Garcia-Garzon, E., Golino, H., Christensen, A. P., & Garrido, L. E. (2023).
Dimensionality assessment in bifactor structures with multiple general factors: A network psychometrics approach.
Psychological Methods.
Conceptual implementation
Golino, H., Thiyagarajan, J. A., Sadana, R., Teles, M., Christensen, A. P., & Boker, S. M. (2020).
Investigating the broad domains of intrinsic capacity, functional ability and
environment: An exploratory graph analysis approach for improving analytical
methodologies for measuring healthy aging.
See Also
for plot usage in EGAnet
# Example using network scores
opt.hier <- hierEGA(
data = optimism, scores = "network",
plot.EGA = FALSE # No plot for CRAN checks
# Plot multilevel plot
plot(opt.hier, plot.type = "multilevel")
# Plot multilevel plot with higher order
# border color matching the corresponding
# lower order color
plot(opt.hier, color.match = TRUE)
# Plot levels separately
plot(opt.hier, plot.type = "separate")
EGAnet version 2.0.6