Exploratory Factor Analysis Functions for Assessing Dimensionality

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EFA.dimensions-package EFA.dimensions
COMPLEXITY Factor solution complexity
CONGRUENCE Factor solution congruence
data_Field data_Field
data_Harman Correlation matrix from Harman (1967, p. 80).
data_RSE Item-level dataset for the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale
data_TabFid data_TabFid
DIMTESTS Tests for the number of factors
EFA Exploratory factor analysis
EFA_SCORES Exploratory factor analysis scores
EMPKC The empirical Kaiser criterion method
EXTENSION_FA Extension factor analysis
FACTORABILITY Factorability of a correlation matrix
IMAGE_FA Defunct functions
INTERNAL.CONSISTENCY Internal consistency reliability coefficients
LOCALDEP Local dependence
MAP Velicer's minimum average partial (MAP) test
MAXLIKE_FA Defunct functions
MISSING_INFO Missing value statistics
NEVALSGT1 The number of eigenvalues greater than 1
PARALLEL Parallel analysis of eigenvalues (random data only)
PA_FA Defunct functions
PCA Principal components analysis
POLYCHORIC_R Polychoric correlation matrix
PROCRUSTES Procrustes factor rotation
RAWPAR Parallel analysis of eigenvalues (for raw data)
RECODE Recode values in a vector
ROOTFIT Factor fit coefficients
SALIENT Salient loadings criterion for the number of factors
SCREE_PLOT Scree plot of eigenvalues
SESCREE Standard Error Scree test
SMT Sequential chi-square model tests