stations {EEAaq} | R Documentation |
Air quality measurement stations information.
This dataset belongs to the European Environment Agency. Assessment methods meta-data (data set D) describe technical facilities used for the measurement
of one pollutant or one of its compounds. It contains information about the measurement stations mapped by the EEA
in Europe. This dataset may be out of date, and for this reason the use of the EEAaq_get_stations
is suggested.
For further information see
A data frame with 68859 rows, 80 variables and a geometry representing the station's location point:
- Country
Country or territory name
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code, representing the country. It's possible to refer to this variable as the NUTS 0 level
- SamplingPointId
Inspire identifier (Local Id) of sampling point, given by data provider
- AirQualityStationEoICode
EoI code of air quality measurement station (used in AirBase), given by data provider
- AirQualityStationNatCode
National code of air quality measurement station, given by data provider
- AirQualityStationName
Name of air quality measurement station (as in AirBase), given by data provider
- AirPollutant
Air polluting substance, level of which is measured and reported to the EEA. See
for further information- OperationalActivityBegin
Start time of the sampling point
- OperationalActivityEnd
End time of the sampling point
- SamplingPointStatus
Categorical variable which assumes two possible values:
active: if the sampling point is still active (
)closed: if the sampling point activity is ceased
- Longitude
Longitude of air quality measurement station, according to the geographical coordinate system WGS84 (decimal degrees)
- Latitude
Latitude of air quality measurement station, according to the geographical coordinate system WGS84 (decimal degrees)
- Altitude
Altitude of air quality measurement station (m.a.s.l.)
Name in Latin characters of the area at the level NUTS 1 where the measuring station is located
NUTS system identification code of the area at NUTS 1 level in which the measuring station is located
Name in Latin characters of the area at the level NUTS 2 where the measuring station is located
NUTS system identification code of the area at NUTS 2 level in which the measuring station is located
Name in Latin characters of the area at the level NUTS 3 where the measuring station is located
NUTS system identification code of the area at NUTS 3 level in which the measuring station is located
Name in Latin characters of the area at the level LAU where the measuring station is located
LAU system identification code of the area at LAU level in which the measuring station is located
- AirQualityStationArea
Area of Air Quality Measurement Station classification - information whether it is measuring air pollution in urban, suburban, rural (etc.) environment
- AirQualityStationType
Type of Air Quality Measurement Station - information whether it is measuring background,industrial or traffic related air pollution
- B-GNamespace
Inspire identifier/namespace of reporting entity, given by data provider
- Year
Latest year for which the data flow item has been reported
- AirQualityNetwork
Inspire identifier (Local Id) of air quality network, given by the data provider
- AirQualityNetworkName
Name of air quality measurement network, given by the data provider
- Timezone
Time zone in which aggregations and statistics are calculated
- AltitudeUnit
Unit of measurement of the altitude of the station
- SampleId
Inspire identifier (Local Id) of sample (Feature of Interest), given by data provider
- InletHeight
Height of the sampling point inlet
- InletHeightUnit
Unit of measurement of the height of the sampling point inlet
- BuildingDistance
The horizontal distance of the inlet to the nearest building
- BuildingDistanceUnit
Unit of measurement of the distance of the inlet to the nearest building
- KerbDistance
The horizontal distance of the inlet to the nearest kerb
- KerbDistanceUnit
Unit of measurement of the distance of the inlet to the nearest kerb
- DistanceSource
The distance from predominant industrial source or source area
- DistanceSourceUnit
Unit of measurement of the distance from predominant industrial source or source area
- MainEmissionSources
The main emission source for the pollutant
- HeatingEmissions
Amount of emissions from domestic heating for a representative area of approximately
- HeatingEmissionsUnit
Unit of measurement of the heating emissions
- Mobile
Mobile station qualifier fixed (0) or mobile (1)
- TrafficEmissions
Amount of emissions from road traffic for a section of road representative of at least 100 m
- TrafficEmissionsUnit
Unit of measurement of the traffic emissions
- IndustrialEmissions
Amount of emissions from industry for a representative area of approximately
- IndustrialEmissionsUnit
Unit of measurement of the industrial emissions
- Municipality
The name of the municipality in which the monitoring station is located
- DispersionLocal
The location of the station in relation to nearby buildings & trees using a controlled vocabulary
- DispersionRegional
The regional dispersion characteristics or topographic situation on a scale of several kilometres affecting the station from a controlled vocabulary
- DistanceJunction
Distance of the station from a major junction
- DistanceJunctionUnit
Unit of measurement of the distance of the station from a major junction
- HeavyDutyFraction
The fraction of the total traffic volume (assessed as AADT) that is composed of HGVs on the adjacent road
- HeightFacades
The average height of the building facades adjacent to the station (in meters) at the location of the station
- StreetWidth
The width of the street (in meters) at the location of the station
- TrafficSpeed
The average speed of vehicles in km/h on the adjacent road
- TrafficVolume
The total traffic volume (as an annual average daily traffic) on the adjacent road
- ProcessId
Inspire identifier (Local Id) of sampling process (procedure), given by data provider
- ProcessActivityBegin
Start time of the measurement process
- ProcessActivityEnd
End time of the measurement process
- MeasurementType
The classification (grouping) of measurement methods into generic types. The types of measurements include: Automatic analyser, Remote sensor, Active sampling and Passive sampling
- MeasurementMethod
Information on method used for measuring air polluting substances
- OtherMeasurementMethod
Other Measurement Method
- MeasurementEquipment
Information on equipment used for measuring air polluting substances
- OtherMeasurementEquipment
Other Measurement Equipment
- SamplingMethod
Information on the sampling methods used for Active or passive sampling measurement types (i.e.Passive adsorbent, Low Volume Sampling withautomatic filter changeā¦)
- OtherSamplingMethod
Other Sampling Method
- AnalyticalTechnique
Information on analytical technique
- OtherAnalyticalTechnique
Other Analytical Technique
- EquivalenceDemonstrated
Specifies the equivalence status of the measuring/sampling process according to Annex VI.B of Dir. 2008/50EC and Annex V of Dir. 2004/107EC
- DemonstrationReport
Link to the equivalence demonstration report
- DetectionLimit
The measuring/sampling process including detection limit
- DetectionLimitUnit
Unit of measurement of the detection limit
- Documentation
Title of documentation on data quality
- QAReport
Link to report with Quality Assurance information
- Duration
The expected sampling duration of the measurement or sampling method
- DurationUnit
Unit of measurement of the duration
- Cadence
The time interval between the start of two consecutive measurements or samples
- CadenceUnit
Unit of measurement of the cadence
- SourceDataURL
URL of source data reported to the EEA
- Imported
Date and time of source data import into EEA's databases