Goodness of Fit Based on Empirical Distribution Function

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Documentation for package ‘EDFtest’ version 0.1.0

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EDFtest-package EDFtest: Goodness-of-fit Tests based on Empirical Distribution Function
AD Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.exp Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.exp.pvalue P-value of Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.extremevalue Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.extremevalue.pvalue P-value of Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.gamma Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.gamma.pvalue P-value of Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.laplace Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.laplace.pvalue P-value of Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.logistic Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.logistic.pvalue P-value of Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.normal Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.normal.pvalue P-value of Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.pvalue P-value of Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.uniform Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.uniform.pvalue P-value of Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.weibull Anderson-Darling statistic
AD.weibull.pvalue P-value of Anderson-Darling statistic
CvM Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.exp Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.exp.pvalue P-value of Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.extremevalue Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.extremevalue.pvalue P-value of Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.gamma Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.gamma.pvalue P-value of Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.laplace Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.laplace.pvalue P-value of Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.logistic Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.logistic.pvalue P-value of Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.normal Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.normal.pvalue P-value of Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.pvalue P-value of Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.uniform Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.uniform.pvalue P-value of Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.weibull Cramer-von Mises statistic
CvM.weibull.pvalue P-value of Cramer-von Mises statistic
estimate MLE for univariate sample
estimate.exp MLE for univariate sample
estimate.gamma MLE for univariate sample
estimate.laplace MLE for univariate sample
estimate.logistic MLE for univariate sample
estimate.normal MLE for univariate sample
estimate.uniform MLE for univariate sample
estimate.weibull MLE for univariate sample
gof Generic GOF tests based on EDF
gof.bootstrap Generic GOF tests based on EDF using bootstrap
gof.exp Generic GOF tests based on EDF
gof.exp.bootstrap Generic GOF tests based on EDF using bootstrap
gof.extremevalue Generic GOF tests based on EDF
gof.extremevalue.bootstrap Generic GOF tests based on EDF using bootstrap
gof.gamma Generic GOF tests based on EDF
gof.gamma.bootstrap Generic GOF tests based on EDF using bootstrap
gof.laplace Generic GOF tests based on EDF
gof.laplace.bootstrap Generic GOF tests based on EDF using bootstrap
gof.logistic Generic GOF tests based on EDF
gof.logistic.bootstrap Generic GOF tests based on EDF using bootstrap
gof.normal Generic GOF tests based on EDF
gof.normal.bootstrap Generic GOF tests based on EDF using bootstrap
gof.sandwich GOF tests for general distributions using Sandwich estimation of covariance function
gof.uniform Generic GOF tests based on EDF
gof.uniform.bootstrap Generic GOF tests based on EDF using bootstrap
gof.weibull Generic GOF tests based on EDF
gof.weibull.bootstrap Generic GOF tests based on EDF using bootstrap
Watson Watson statistic
Watson.exp Watson statistic
Watson.exp.pvalue P-value of Watson statistic
Watson.extremevalue Watson statistic
Watson.extremevalue.pvalue P-value of Watson statistic
Watson.gamma Watson statistic
Watson.gamma.pvalue P-value of Watson statistic
Watson.laplace Watson statistic
Watson.laplace.pvalue P-value of Watson statistic
Watson.logistic Watson statistic
Watson.logistic.pvalue P-value of Watson statistic
Watson.normal Watson statistic
Watson.normal.pvalue P-value of Watson statistic
Watson.pvalue P-value of Watson statistic
Watson.uniform Watson statistic
Watson.uniform.pvalue P-value of Watson statistic
Watson.weibull Watson statistic
Watson.weibull.pvalue P-value of Watson statistic