Functions Ported from 'MMR2' Toolbox Offered in Kevin Dowd's Book Measuring Market Risk

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Dowd-package R-version of Kevin Dowd's MATLAB Toolbox from book "Measuring Market Risk".

-- A --

AdjustedNormalESHotspots Hotspots for ES adjusted by Cornish-Fisher correction
AdjustedNormalVaRHotspots Hotspots for VaR adjusted by Cornish-Fisher correction
AdjustedVarianceCovarianceES Cornish-Fisher adjusted Variance-Covariance ES
AdjustedVarianceCovarianceVaR Cornish-Fisher adjusted variance-covariance VaR
ADTestStat Plots cumulative density for AD test and computes confidence interval for AD test stat.
AmericanPutESBinomial Estimates ES of American vanilla put using binomial tree.
AmericanPutESSim Estimates ES of American vanilla put using binomial option valuation tree and Monte Carlo Simulation
AmericanPutPriceBinomial Binomial Put Price
AmericanPutVaRBinomial Estimates VaR of American vanilla put using binomial tree.

-- B --

BinomialBacktest Carries out the binomial backtest for a VaR risk measurement model.
BlackScholesCallESSim ES of Black-Scholes call using Monte Carlo Simulation
BlackScholesCallPrice Price of European Call Option
BlackScholesPutESSim ES of Black-Scholes put using Monte Carlo Simulation
BlackScholesPutPrice Price of European Put Option
BlancoIhleBacktest Blanco-Ihle forecast evaluation backtest measure
BootstrapES Bootstrapped ES for specified confidence level
BootstrapESConfInterval Bootstrapped ES Confidence Interval
BootstrapESFigure Plots figure of bootstrapped ES
BootstrapVaR Bootstrapped VaR for specified confidence level
BootstrapVaRConfInterval Bootstrapped VaR Confidence Interval
BootstrapVaRFigure Plots figure of bootstrapped VaR
BoxCoxES Estimates ES with Box-Cox transformation
BoxCoxVaR Estimates VaR with Box-Cox transformation

-- C --

CdfOfSumUsingGaussianCopula Derives prob ( X + Y < quantile) using Gaussian copula
CdfOfSumUsingGumbelCopula Derives prob ( X + Y < quantile) using Gumbel copula
CdfOfSumUsingProductCopula Derives prob ( X + Y < quantile) using Product copula
ChristoffersenBacktestForIndependence Christoffersen Backtest for Independence
ChristoffersenBacktestForUnconditionalCoverage Christoffersen Backtest for Unconditional Coverage
CornishFisherES Corn-Fisher ES
CornishFisherVaR Corn-Fisher VaR

-- D --

DBPensionVaR Monte Carlo VaR for DB pension
DCPensionVaR Monte Carlo VaR for DC pension
DefaultRiskyBondVaR VaR for default risky bond portfolio

-- F --

FilterStrategyLogNormalVaR Log Normal VaR with filter strategy
FrechetES Frechet Expected Shortfall
FrechetESPlot2DCl Plots Frechet Expected Shortfall against confidence level
FrechetVaR Frechet Value at Risk
FrechetVaRPlot2DCl Plots Frechet Value at Risk against Cl

-- G --

GaussianCopulaVaR Bivariate Gaussian Copule VaR
GParetoES Expected Shortfall for Generalized Pareto
GParetoMEFPlot Plot of Emperical and Generalised Pareto mean excess functions
GParetoMultipleMEFPlot Plot of Emperical and 2 Generalised Pareto mean excess functions
GParetoVaR VaR for Generalized Pareto
GumbelCopulaVaR Bivariate Gumbel Copule VaR
GumbelES Gumbel ES
GumbelESPlot2DCl Gumbel VaR
GumbelVaR Gumbel VaR
GumbelVaRPlot2DCl Gumbel VaR

-- H --

HillEstimator Hill Estimator
HillPlot Hill Plot
HillQuantileEstimator Hill Quantile Estimator
HSES Expected Shortfall of a portfolio using Historical Estimator
HSESDFPerc Percentile of historical simulation ES distribution function
HSESFigure Figure of Historical SImulation VaR and ES and histogram of L/P
HSESPlot2DCl Plots historical simulation ES against confidence level
HSVaR Value at Risk of a portfolio using Historical Estimator
HSVaRDFPerc Percentile of historical simulation VaR distribution function
HSVaRESPlot2DCl Plots historical simulation VaR and ES against confidence level
HSVaRFigure Figure of Historical SImulation VaR and histogram of L/P
HSVaRPlot2DCl Plots historical simulation VaR against confidence level

-- I --

InsuranceVaR VaR of Insurance Portfolio
InsuranceVaRES VaR and ES of Insurance Portfolio

-- J --

JarqueBeraBacktest Jarque-Bera backtest for normality.

-- K --

KernelESBoxKernel Calculates ES using box kernel approach
KernelESEpanechinikovKernel Calculates ES using Epanechinikov kernel approach
KernelESNormalKernel Calculates ES using normal kernel approach
KernelESTriangleKernel Calculates ES using triangle kernel approach
KernelVaRBoxKernel Calculates VaR using box kernel approach
KernelVaREpanechinikovKernel Calculates VaR using epanechinikov kernel approach
KernelVaRNormalKernel Calculates VaR using normal kernel approach
KernelVaRTriangleKernel Calculates VaR using triangle kernel approach
KSTestStat Plots cumulative density for KS test and computes confidence interval for KS test stat.
KuiperTestStat Plots cummulative density for Kuiper test and computes confidence interval for Kuiper test stat.

-- L --

LogNormalES ES for normally distributed geometric returns
LogNormalESDFPerc Percentiles of ES distribution function for normally distributed geometric returns
LogNormalESFigure Figure of lognormal VaR and ES and pdf against L/P
LogNormalESPlot2DCL Plots log normal ES against confidence level
LogNormalESPlot2DHP Plots log normal ES against holding period
LogNormalESPlot3D Plots log normal ES against confidence level and holding period
LogNormalVaR VaR for normally distributed geometric returns
LogNormalVaRDFPerc Percentiles of VaR distribution function for normally distributed geometric returns
LogNormalVaRETLPlot2DCL Plots log normal VaR and ETL against confidence level
LogNormalVaRFigure Figure of lognormal VaR and pdf against L/P
LogNormalVaRPlot2DCL Plots log normal VaR against confidence level
LogNormalVaRPlot2DHP Plots log normal VaR against holding period
LogNormalVaRPlot3D Plots log normal VaR against confidence level and holding period
LogtES ES for t distributed geometric returns
LogtESDFPerc Percentiles of ES distribution function for Student-t
LogtESPlot2DCL Plots log-t ES against confidence level
LogtESPlot2DHP Plots log-t ES against holding period
LogtESPlot3D Plots log-t ES against confidence level and holding period
LogtVaR VaR for t distributed geometric returns
LogtVaRDFPerc Percentiles of VaR distribution function for Student-t
LogtVaRPlot2DCL Plots log-t VaR against confidence level
LogtVaRPlot2DHP Plots log-t VaR against holding period
LogtVaRPlot3D Plots log-t VaR against confidence level and holding period
LongBlackScholesCallVaR Derives VaR of a long Black Scholes call option
LongBlackScholesPutVaR Derives VaR of a long Black Scholes put option
LopezBacktest First (binomial) Lopez forecast evaluation backtest score measure

-- M --

MEFPlot Mean Excess Function Plot

-- N --

NormalES ES for normally distributed P/L
NormalESConfidenceInterval Generates Monte Carlo 95% Confidence Intervals for normal ES
NormalESDFPerc Percentiles of ES distribution function for normally distributed P/L data
NormalESFigure Figure of normal VaR and ES and pdf against L/P
NormalESHotspots Hotspots for normal ES
NormalESPlot2DCL Plots normal ES against confidence level
NormalESPlot2DHP Plots normal ES against holding period
NormalESPlot3D Plots normal ES against confidence level and holding period
NormalQQPlot Normal Quantile Quantile Plot
NormalQuantileStandardError Standard error of normal quantile estimate
NormalSpectralRiskMeasure Estimates the spectral risk measure of a portfolio
NormalVaR VaR for normally distributed P/L
NormalVaRConfidenceInterval Generates Monte Carlo 95% Confidence Intervals for normal VaR
NormalVaRDFPerc Percentiles of VaR distribution function for normally distributed P/L
NormalVaRFigure Figure of normal VaR and pdf against L/P
NormalVaRHotspots Hotspots for normal VaR
NormalVaRPlot2DCL Plots normal VaR against confidence level
NormalVaRPlot2DHP Plots normal VaR against holding period
NormalVaRPlot3D Plots normal VaR in 3D against confidence level and holding period

-- P --

PCAES Estimates ES by principal components analysis
PCAESPlot ES plot
PCAPrelim Estimates VaR plot using principal components analysis
PCAVaR Estimates VaR by principal components analysis
PCAVaRPlot VaR plot
PickandsEstimator Pickands Estimator
PickandsPlot Pickand Estimator - Tail Sample Size Plot
ProductCopulaVaR Bivariate Product Copule VaR

-- S --

ShortBlackScholesCallVaR Derives VaR of a short Black Scholes call option
ShortBlackScholesPutVaR Derives VaR of a short Black Scholes put option
StopLossLogNormalVaR Log Normal VaR with stop loss limit

-- T --

tES ES for t distributed P/L
tESDFPerc Percentiles of ES distribution function for t-distributed P/L
tESFigure Figure of t - VaR and ES and pdf against L/P
tESPlot2DCL Plots t- ES against confidence level
tESPlot2DHP Plots t ES against holding period
tESPlot3D Plots t ES against confidence level and holding period
TQQPlot Student's T Quantile - Quantile Plot
tQuantileStandardError Standard error of t quantile estimate
tVaR VaR for t distributed P/L
tVaRDFPerc Percentiles of VaR distribution function
tVaRESPlot2DCL Plots t VaR and ES against confidence level
tVaRFigure Figure of t- VaR and pdf against L/P
tVaRPlot2DCL Plots t VaR against confidence level
tVaRPlot2DHP Plots t VaR against holding period
tVaRPlot3D Plots t VaR against confidence level and holding period

-- V --

VarianceCovarianceES Variance-covariance ES for normally distributed returns
VarianceCovarianceVaR Variance-covariance VaR for normally distributed returns