DiscreteInverseWeibull-package |
Discrete Inverse Weibull Distribution |
ahrdiweibull |
Alternative hazard rate function |
ddiweibull |
The discrete inverse Weibull distribution |
DiscreteInverseWeibull |
Discrete Inverse Weibull Distribution |
Ediweibull |
First and second order moments |
estdiweibull |
Estimation of parameters |
heuristic |
Heuristic method of estimation |
hrdiweibull |
Hazard rate function |
loglikediw |
likelihood function |
lossdiw |
Loss function |
pdiweibull |
The discrete inverse Weibull distribution |
qdiweibull |
The discrete inverse Weibull distribution |
rdiweibull |
The discrete inverse Weibull distribution |