A Set of Tools for Calculating Spatial Synchrony Between Tree-Ring Chronologies

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Documentation for package ‘DendroSync’ version 0.1.4

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bet.aSE Between-group synchrony for a homoscedastic unstructured model
bet.het.aSE Between-group synchrony for a heteroscedastic unstructured model
conifersIP Iberian Peninsula tree-ring width dataset
csbet.aSE Between-group synchrony for homoscedastic compound symmetry model
csbet.het.aSE Between-group synchrony for heteroscedastic compound symmetry model
cswi.aSE Within-group synchrony for homoscedastic compound symmetry model
cswi.het.aSE Within-group synchrony for heteroscedastic compound symmetry mixed models
dendro.varcov Fit variance-covariance mixed models on tree-ring chronologies
gen.aSE Within-group synchrony for homoscedastic models
gen.het.aSE Within-group synchrony for heteroscedastic mixed models
het.var Variances per varGroup stratum for heteroscedastic models
mod.table Function to calculate goodness-of-fit statistics for variance-covariance models
sync Calculate within- and between-group synchrony
sync.plot Plot within- and between-group synchrony
sync.trend Calculate temporal trends of synchrony
sync.trend.plot Plot temporal trends of synchrony