Compare |
Comparison decomposition results by age and cause |
horiuchi |
Numeric Approximation of Continuous Decomposition |
LTabr |
an abridged lifetable based on M(x) |
Mxc1 |
Year 2002 death rates by cause for US males in abridged age classes |
Mxc2 |
Year 2002 death rates by cause for England and Wales males in abridged age classes |
Mxc2e0abr |
get life expectancy at birth from an (abridged)age-cause matrix |
Mxc2e0abrvec |
get life expectancy at birth from the vec of an age-cause matrix |
R0vec |
R0vec Calculates net reproduction, R0, according to a given set of rates Lx,fx and a fixed proportion female of births, 'pfem'. |
rates1 |
Fake data generated for example. |
rates2 |
Fake data generated for example. |
stepwise_replacement |
implementation of the decomposition algorithm of stepwise replacement |