Drug Target Set Enrichment Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘DTSEA’ version 0.0.3

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DTSEA-package The Drug target set enrichment analysis (DTSEA)
calculate_p0 Function to calculate the p0 vector used in Random Walk with Restart (RwR)
cronbach.alpha Cronbach's alpha
DTSEA Main function of drug target set enrichment analysis (DTSEA)
example_disease_list An example vector of disease nodes
example_drug_target_list An example data frame of drug target lists
example_ppi An example human gene functional interaction network object
kendall.w Kendall's coefficient of concordance W
random.walk Function to implement Random Walk with Restart (RwR) algorithm on the input graph
random_graph A random graph for the computation of the separation measure
separation A measure of network separation