dtat1000 {DTAT} | R Documentation |
Precomputed neutrophil-guided chemotherapy dose titration for 1000 simulated subjects.
This dataset is provided to support fast reproduction of a forthcoming pharmacoeconomic paper that includes examination of the empirical distribution of MTDi in N=1000 simulated subjects.
A data frame showing end-of-cycle state of neutrophil-guided dose titration for 1000 simulated subjects, across 10 cycles of chemotherapy.
- cycle
Cycle number 1..10
- id
Subject identifiers; an ordered factor with levels
< ... <id1000
- Cc
Central-compartment drug concentration
- Cp
Peripheral-compartment drug concentration
- Prol
Progenitor cells in proliferating compartment of Friberg et al. (2002) model
- Tx.1
Transit compartment 1
- Tx.2
Transit compartment 1
- Tx.3
Transit compartment 1
- Circ
Concentration (cells/mm^3) of circulating neutrophils
- dose
Dose of 1-hour infusion administered this cycle
- CircMin
Neutrophil nadir (cells/mm^3)
- tNadir
Time (days) of neutrophil nadir
- scaled.dose
Fourth root of dose
- time
Time (weeks) of dose administration
Running the examples interactively, you can verify the reproducibility of
this dataset. (That demo is included in a donttest
block to spare the
CRAN servers.)
Norris DC. Dose Titration Algorithm Tuning (DTAT) should supersede ‘the’ Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) in oncology dose-finding trials. F1000Research. 2017;6:112. doi:10.12688/f1000research.10624.3. https://f1000research.com/articles/6-112/v3
Norris DC. Costing ‘the’ MTD. bioRxiv. August 2017:150821. doi:10.1101/150821. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/150821v3
# 1. Extract the N final doses, assuming convergence by the tenth course
MTD_i <- with(dtat1000, dose[time==27])
MTD_i <- MTD_i[MTD_i < 5000] # Exclude few outliers
# 2. Do a kernel density plot
hist <- histogram(~MTD_i, breaks=c(0,100,200,300,400,600,900,1500,2500,4000,5000)
, xlab=expression(MTD[i]))
approx <- data.frame(mtd_i=seq(0, 5000, 10))
approx <- upData(approx,
gamma = dgamma(mtd_i, shape=1.75, scale=200))
dist <- xyplot(gamma ~ mtd_i, data=approx, type='l', col='black', lwd=2)
hist + dist
grid.text(expression(MTD[i] %~%
paste("Gamma(", alpha==1.75, ", ", beta==1/200,")"))
, x=unit(0.5,"npc")
, y=unit(0.75,"npc")
## A very long repro, which a user of this package may well wish to verify
## by running the examples interactively, although it takes many minutes
## to compute. (Enclosed in a dontest block to avoid overburdening CRAN.)
# Demonstrate close reproduction of original titration (the titration takes many minutes!)
# This titration may take an hour to run ...
chemo <- titrate(doserange = c(50, 3000),
dta=newton.raphson(dose1 = 100,
omega = 0.75,
slope1 = -2.0,
slopeU = -0.2)
dtat1k <- upData(chemo$course
, time = 3*(cycle-1)
, labels = c(time="Time")
, units = c(time="weeks")
, print = FALSE)
c10dose1k <- subset(dtat1k, cycle==10)$scaled.dose
c10dose1000 <- subset(dtat1000, cycle==10)$scaled.dose
stopifnot(0.999 < cor(c10dose1k, c10dose1000))