DNAtools-package |
Tools for analysing forensic genetic DNA databases |
convolve |
The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture |
dbCollapse |
Collapse m/p output to vector |
dbCompare |
Compare DNA profiles |
dbExample |
Simulated database with 1,000 individuals |
dbExpect |
Expected value of cell counts in DNA database comparison |
dbSimulate |
Simulate a DNA database |
dbVariance |
Covariance matrix of cell counts in DNA database comparison |
DNAtools |
Tools for analysing forensic genetic DNA databases |
estimatePD |
Estimate the drop-out probability based on number of alleles |
freqEst |
Simple allele frequency estimation |
genRypeRec |
Generates DNA profiles of n individuals. |
genTypeRec |
Generates DNA profiles of n unrelated individuals for a locus |
lines.dbOptim |
Plots the fitted object function for estimated familial relationships in the database and theta. |
optim.relatedness |
Estimate theta and the fraction of comparisons between close relatives |
p.numberofalleles |
The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture |
pContrib |
Compute the posterior probabilities for P(m|n0) for a given prior P(m) and observed vector n0 of locus counts |
pContrib_locus |
Compute the posterior probabilities for Pr(m|n0) for a given prior Pr(m). |
plot.dbcompare |
Plots the summary matrix |
plot.dbOptim |
Plots the fitted object function for estimated familial relationships in the database and theta. |
Pnm_all |
The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture |
Pnm_locus |
The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture |
pNoA |
The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture |
points.dbOptim |
Plots the fitted object function for estimated familial relationships in the database and theta. |
print.dbcompare |
Prints the summary matrix |
print.dbOptim |
Prints the results from optim.relatedness() |
simAlleleFreqs |
Simulate Allele Frequencies |