Tools for Analysing Forensic Genetic DNA Data

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Documentation for package ‘DNAtools’ version 0.2-4

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DNAtools-package Tools for analysing forensic genetic DNA databases
convolve The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture
dbCollapse Collapse m/p output to vector
dbCompare Compare DNA profiles
dbExample Simulated database with 1,000 individuals
dbExpect Expected value of cell counts in DNA database comparison
dbSimulate Simulate a DNA database
dbVariance Covariance matrix of cell counts in DNA database comparison
DNAtools Tools for analysing forensic genetic DNA databases
estimatePD Estimate the drop-out probability based on number of alleles
freqEst Simple allele frequency estimation
genRypeRec Generates DNA profiles of n individuals.
genTypeRec Generates DNA profiles of n unrelated individuals for a locus
lines.dbOptim Plots the fitted object function for estimated familial relationships in the database and theta.
optim.relatedness Estimate theta and the fraction of comparisons between close relatives
p.numberofalleles The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture
pContrib Compute the posterior probabilities for P(m|n0) for a given prior P(m) and observed vector n0 of locus counts
pContrib_locus Compute the posterior probabilities for Pr(m|n0) for a given prior Pr(m).
plot.dbcompare Plots the summary matrix
plot.dbOptim Plots the fitted object function for estimated familial relationships in the database and theta.
Pnm_all The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture
Pnm_locus The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture
pNoA The exact distribution of the number of alleles in a m-person DNA mixture
points.dbOptim Plots the fitted object function for estimated familial relationships in the database and theta.
print.dbcompare Prints the summary matrix
print.dbOptim Prints the results from optim.relatedness()
simAlleleFreqs Simulate Allele Frequencies