Data-Limited Methods Toolkit

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Documentation for package ‘DLMtool’ version 6.0.6

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-- A --

AvC Average Catch
AvC_MLL Average Catch with a size limit

-- B --

BK Beddington and Kirkwood life-history MP
BK_CC Beddington and Kirkwood life-history MP
BK_ML Beddington and Kirkwood life-history MP

-- C --

CC1 Geromont and Butterworth (2015) Constant Catch
CC2 Geromont and Butterworth (2015) Constant Catch
CC3 Geromont and Butterworth (2015) Constant Catch
CC4 Geromont and Butterworth (2015) Constant Catch
CC5 Geromont and Butterworth (2015) Constant Catch
CompSRA Age-Composition Stock-Reduction Analysis
CompSRA4010 Age-Composition Stock-Reduction Analysis
CurC Geromont and Butterworth (2015) Constant Catch
curE Fishing at current effort levels
curE75 Fishing at current effort levels

-- D --

DAAC Depletion Corrected Average Catch
DBSRA Depletion-Based Stock Reduction Analysis
DBSRA4010 Depletion-Based Stock Reduction Analysis
DBSRA_40 Depletion-Based Stock Reduction Analysis
DCAC Depletion Corrected Average Catch
DCAC4010 Depletion Corrected Average Catch
DCACs Depletion Corrected Average Catch
DCAC_40 Depletion Corrected Average Catch
DCAC_ML Depletion Corrected Average Catch
DD Delay - Difference Stock Assessment
DD4010 Delay - Difference Stock Assessment
DDe Effort-based Delay - Difference Stock Assessment
DDe75 Effort-based Delay - Difference Stock Assessment
DDes Effort-based Delay - Difference Stock Assessment
DepF FMSY/M ratio methods
DTe40 Effort searching MP aiming for a fixed stock depletion
DTe50 Effort searching MP aiming for a fixed stock depletion
DynF Dynamic Fratio MP

-- E --

EtargetLopt Effort Target Optimum Length

-- F --

Fadapt Adaptive Fratio
Fdem Demographic FMSY method
Fdem_CC Demographic FMSY method
Fdem_ML Demographic FMSY method
Fratio FMSY/M ratio methods
Fratio4010 FMSY/M ratio methods
Fratio_CC FMSY/M ratio methods
Fratio_ML FMSY/M ratio methods

-- G --

GB_CC Geromont and Butterworth Constant Catch Harvest Control Rule
GB_slope Geromont and Butterworth index slope Harvest Control Rule
GB_target Geromont and Butterworth target CPUE and catch MP
Gcontrol G-control MP

-- H --

HDAAC Depletion Corrected Average Catch

-- I --

ICI Index Confidence Interval
ICI2 Index Confidence Interval
Iratio Mean Index Ratio
Islope1 Index Slope Tracking MP
Islope2 Index Slope Tracking MP
Islope3 Index Slope Tracking MP
Islope4 Index Slope Tracking MP
IT10 Iterative Index Target MP
IT5 Iterative Index Target MP
Itarget1 Incremental Index Target MP
Itarget1_MPA Itarget1 with an MPA
Itarget2 Incremental Index Target MP
Itarget3 Incremental Index Target MP
Itarget4 Incremental Index Target MP
ItargetE1 Incremental Index Target MP - Effort-Based
ItargetE2 Incremental Index Target MP - Effort-Based
ItargetE3 Incremental Index Target MP - Effort-Based
ItargetE4 Incremental Index Target MP - Effort-Based
ITe10 Index Target Effort-Based
ITe5 Index Target Effort-Based
ITM Index Target based on natural mortality rate

-- L --

L95target Length Target TAC MP
LBSPR Length-Based SPR MPs
LBSPR_MLL Length-Based SPR MPs
Lratio_BHI Mean length-based indicator MP of Jardim et al. 2015
Lratio_BHI2 Mean length-based indicator MP of Jardim et al. 2015
Lratio_BHI3 Mean length-based indicator MP of Jardim et al. 2015
LstepCC1 Step-wise Constant Catch
LstepCC2 Step-wise Constant Catch
LstepCC3 Step-wise Constant Catch
LstepCC4 Step-wise Constant Catch
LstepCE1 Step-wise Constant Effort
LstepCE2 Step-wise Constant Effort
Ltarget1 Length Target TAC MP
Ltarget2 Length Target TAC MP
Ltarget3 Length Target TAC MP
Ltarget4 Length Target TAC MP
LtargetE1 Length Target TAE MP
LtargetE4 Length Target TAE MP

-- M --

matlenlim Size limit management procedures
matlenlim2 Size limit management procedures
MCD Mean Catch Depletion
MCD4010 Mean Catch Depletion
minlenLopt1 Size limit management procedures
MRnoreal Spatial closure and allocation management procedures
MRreal Spatial closure and allocation management procedures

-- R --

Rcontrol Intrinsic rate of Increase MP
Rcontrol2 Intrinsic rate of Increase MP

-- S --

SBT1 SBT simple MP
SBT2 SBT simple MP
slotlim Size limit management procedures
SPmod Surplus production based catch-limit modifier
SPMSY Catch trend Surplus Production MSY MP
SPslope Slope in surplus production MP
SPSRA Surplus Production Stock Reduction Analysis
SPSRA_ML Surplus Production Stock Reduction Analysis

-- Y --

YPR Yield Per Recruit analysis to get FMSY proxy F01
YPR_CC Yield Per Recruit analysis to get FMSY proxy F01
YPR_ML Yield Per Recruit analysis to get FMSY proxy F01