testCategorical {DHARMa} | R Documentation |
Test for categorical dependencies
This function tests if there are probles in a res ~ group structure. It performs two tests: test for within-group uniformity, and test for between-group homogeneity of variances
testCategorical(simulationOutput, catPred, quantiles = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
plot = T)
simulationOutput |
an object of class DHARMa, either created via |
catPred |
a categorical predictor with the same dimensions as the residuals in simulationOutput |
quantiles |
whether to draw the quantile lines. |
plot |
if T, the function will create an additional plot |
The function tests for two common problems: are residuals within each group distributed according to model assumptions, and is the variance between group heterogeneous.
The test for within-group uniformity is performed via multipe KS-tests, with adjustment of p-values for multiple testing. If the plot is drawn, problematic groups are highlighted in red, and a corresponding message is displayed in the plot.
The test for homogeneity of variances is done with a Levene test. A significant p-value means that group variances are not constant. In this case, you should consider modelling variances, e.g. via ~dispformula in glmmTMB.
Florian Hartig
See Also
, testUniformity
, testOutliers
, testDispersion
, testZeroInflation
, testGeneric
, testTemporalAutocorrelation
, testSpatialAutocorrelation
, testQuantiles
, testCategorical
testData = createData(sampleSize = 100, overdispersion = 0.5, randomEffectVariance = 0)
fittedModel <- glm(observedResponse ~ Environment1 , family = "poisson", data = testData)
simulationOutput <- simulateResiduals(fittedModel = fittedModel)
# the plot function runs 4 tests
# i) KS test i) Dispersion test iii) Outlier test iv) quantile test
plot(simulationOutput, quantreg = TRUE)
# testResiduals tests distribution, dispersion and outliers
# testResiduals(simulationOutput)
####### Individual tests #######
# KS test for correct distribution of residuals
# KS test for correct distribution within and between groups
testCategorical(simulationOutput, testData$group)
# Dispersion test - for details see ?testDispersion
testDispersion(simulationOutput) # tests under and overdispersion
# Outlier test (number of observations outside simulation envelope)
# Use type = "boostrap" for exact values, see ?testOutliers
testOutliers(simulationOutput, type = "binomial")
# testing zero inflation
# testing generic summaries
countOnes <- function(x) sum(x == 1) # testing for number of 1s
testGeneric(simulationOutput, summary = countOnes) # 1-inflation
testGeneric(simulationOutput, summary = countOnes, alternative = "less") # 1-deficit
means <- function(x) mean(x) # testing if mean prediction fits
testGeneric(simulationOutput, summary = means)
spread <- function(x) sd(x) # testing if mean sd fits
testGeneric(simulationOutput, summary = spread)