plot.DHARMaBenchmark {DHARMa}R Documentation

Plots DHARMa benchmarks


The function plots the result of an object of class DHARMaBenchmark, created by runBenchmarks


## S3 method for class 'DHARMaBenchmark'
plot(x, ...)



object of class DHARMaBenchmark, created by runBenchmarks


parameters to pass to the plot function


The function will create two types of plots, depending on whether the run contains only a single value (or no value) of the control parameter, or whether a vector of control values was provided.

If a single or no value of the control parameter was provided, the function will create box plots of the estimated p-values, with the number of significant p-values plotted to the left

If a control parameter was provided, the function will plot the proportion of significant p-values against the control parameter, with 95% CIs based based on the performed replicates displayed as confidence bands

See Also


[Package DHARMa version 0.4.6 Index]