getRefit {DHARMa}R Documentation

Get model refit


Wrapper to refit a fitted model

checks if the fitted model excluded NA values


getRefit(object, newresp, ...)

## Default S3 method:
getRefit(object, newresp, ...)

## S3 method for class 'lm'
getRefit(object, newresp, ...)

## S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
getRefit(object, newresp, ...)

## S3 method for class 'HLfit'
getRefit(object, newresp, ...)

## S3 method for class 'MixMod'
getRefit(object, newresp, ...)



a fitted model


the new response that should be used to refit the model


additional parameters to be passed on to the refit or update class that is used to refit the model


The purpose of this wrapper is to standardize the refit of a model. The behavior of this function depends on the supplied model. When available, it uses the refit method, otherwise it will use update. For glmmTMB: since version 1.0, glmmTMB has a refit function, but this didn't work, so I switched back to this implementation, which is a hack based on the update function.

Checks if the fitted model excluded NA values


Florian Hartig

See Also

getObservedResponse, getSimulations, getFixedEffects


testData = createData(sampleSize = 400, family = gaussian())

fittedModel <- lm(observedResponse ~ Environment1 , data = testData)

# response that was used to fit the model

# predictions of the model for these points

# extract simulations from the model as matrix
getSimulations(fittedModel, nsim = 2)

# extract simulations from the model for refit (often requires different structure)
x = getSimulations(fittedModel, nsim = 2, type = "refit")

getRefit(fittedModel, x[[1]])

getRefit(fittedModel, getObservedResponse(fittedModel))

[Package DHARMa version 0.4.6 Index]