Dependent Gaussian Processes for Longitudinal Correlated Factors

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Documentation for package ‘DGP4LCF’ version 1.0.0

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factor_loading_heatmap Displaying significant factor loadings in the heatmap.
factor_score_trajectory Plotting figures for factor score trajectory.
gibbs_after_mcem_algorithm Generating posterior samples for parameters (other than DGP parameters) in the model and predicted gene expression for one chain.
gibbs_after_mcem_combine_chains Combining from all chains the posterior samples for parameters in the model and predicted gene expressions.
gibbs_after_mcem_diff_initials Generating different initials for multiple chains.
gibbs_after_mcem_load_chains Loading the saved posterior samples for parameters in the model and predicted gene expressions.
mcem_algorithm Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization (MCEM) algorithm to return the Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of DGP Parameters.
mcem_cov_plot Visualizing cross-correlations among factors.
mcem_parameter_setup Parameters' setup and initial value assignment for the Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization (MCEM) algorithm.
numerics_summary_do_not_need_alignment Numerical summary for important continuous variables that do not need alignment.
numerics_summary_need_alignment Numerical summary for factor loadings and factor scores, which need alignment.
sim_fcs_init Initials values.
sim_fcs_results_irregular_6_8 Results when people have irregularly observed time points (some 6 while others 8).
sim_fcs_results_regular_8 Results when people are observed at common 8 time points.
sim_fcs_truth Truth of simulated data.
subject_specific_objects Constructing subject-specific objects required for Gibbs sampler (for subjects with incomplete observations only).
table_generator Generating a table listing all possible combinations of the binary variables for one gene.