Save R object in binary file.
x |
object to save. It can be either a data frame, an object of type AnnotatedDataFrame , or a list thereof.
task |
Object of class D4TAlinkTask , as created by initTask .
type |
Filename type. If the type is an array, the cocatenation of the elements is used with separator"-". Filenames have the form [task name]_[type].[ext]
ext |
Filename extension.
subdir |
(optional) Subdirectory.
dirCreate |
Logical, if TRUE (by default) the directory is created.
AdjWidth |
If TRUE , will adjust the worksheet column
widths based upon the longest entry in each column. This is
FreezeRow |
Rows including this row and above this row will be
frozen and not scroll. The default value of 0 will scroll
the entire sheet. Note that not all spreadsheet applications
support this feature.
FreezeCol |
Columns including this column and to the left of this
column will be frozen and not scroll. The default value of
0 will scroll the entire sheet. Note that not all
spreadsheet applications support this feature.
metadata |
prefix for names of worksheets holding metadata.
metadata.append |
array of metadata field names to be appended in header of tables.
... |
Arguments passed on to WriteXLS::WriteXLS
ExcelFileName The name of the Excel file to be created.
If the file extension is .XLS, an Excel 2003 file will be
created. If the file extension is .XLSX, an Excel 2007
file will be created.
Must be a valid Excel filename. May include an existing path.
normalizePath is used to support tilde expansion, etc.
SheetNames A character vector containing the names of each worksheet
to be created. If NULL (the default), the
names of the dataframes will be used instead. Worksheet names may
be up to 31 characters in length and must be unique. If
specified, length(SheetNames) must be the same as
length(x) . NOTE: The order of the names here must match
the order of the data frames as listed in x .
perl Name of the perl executable to be called.
verbose Output step-by-step status messages during the creation
of the Excel file. Default is FALSE.
Encoding Define the character encoding to be used for the
exported data frames. Defaults to UTF-8 .
AllText If TRUE , all cell contents of the Excel file will
be written as text. Default is FALSE. See Details.
row.names If TRUE , the row names of the data frames are
included in the Excel file worksheets.
col.names If TRUE , the column names of the data frames are
included in the Excel file worksheets.
AutoFilter If TRUE , will add autofiltering to each
column in each worksheet. Note that not all spreadsheet applications
support this feature.
BoldHeaderRow If TRUE , will apply a bold font to the
header row for each worksheet.
na The string to use for missing values in the data. Defaults
to ""
envir The environment in which to look for the data frames
named in x . This defaults to the environment in which
WriteXLS was called.
the file name invisibly.