FAIR Data - Workflow Management

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Documentation for package ‘D4TAlink.light’ version 2.1.14

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archiveTask Create an archive containing the files of a given task.
binaryDir Get path of binary directory.
binaryFn Get path of binary file.
catReport Output R object using function cat.
D4getenv Get env var.
D4TAlink-common-args Arguments used across the functions of the D4TAlink package.
D4TAlinkTask 'D4TAlinkTask' Documentation of the D4TAlinkTask class
datasourceDir Get path of data source directory.
datasourceFn Get path of data source file.
docDir Get path of documentation directory.
docFn Get path of documentation file.
DTx Generic function.
formatTaskDocx Replace default task fields in 'docx' file.
getTaskAuthor Get the name of the task author.
getTaskEnckey Get the encryption key for binary data files.
getTaskFilepath Get the path of a file.
getTaskPaths Get the paths of the task.
getTaskRmdTemplate Get the path to the Rmd task template.
getTaskRoot Get the root of the task repository.
getTaskRscriptTemplate Get the path to the R script task template.
getTaskSponsor Get the name of the task sponsor.
getTaskStructure Get repository directory structure.
initTask Initialize a task
initTaskRmd Create task template in Rmd format.
initTaskRscript Create task R script.
jpegReport Graphics devices for 'JPEG' format bitmap files.
jpegReportFn Get path of 'jpeg' output file.
listTaskFiles List the files associated to a task.
listTasks List details of all tasks stored in the root directory.
loadTask Load a task.
pathsDefault Task paths generator.
pathsGLPG Task paths generator.
pathsPMS Task paths generator.
pdfReport Graphics devices for 'pdf' format bitmap files.
pdfReportFn Get path of 'pdf' output file.
pngReport Graphics devices for 'PNG' format bitmap files.
pngReportFn Get path of 'png' output file.
progDir Get path of scripts directory.
readBinary Restore R object from binary file.
readReportJSON Read JSON data into R object.
readReportTable Read data into vector or list using function 'scan'.
renderTaskRmd Render the task from the Rmd file
reportDir Get path of report directory.
reportFn Get path of output file.
reportXlsFn Get path of 'xlsx' output file.
restoreTask Restore an archive containing the files of a given task from a file created with archiveTask.
rmdFn Get path of R script file name.
rscriptFn Get path of R script file name.
saveBinary Save R object in binary file.
saveBinaryE Save R object in encrypted binary file.
saveReportJSON Output R object in JSON format.
saveReportTable Output R object using function 'write.csv'.
saveReportXls Save R object in binary file.
scanReport Read data into vector or list using function 'scan'.
setTaskAuthor Set the name of the tasks author.
setTaskEnckey Set the encryption key for binary data files.
setTaskRmdTemplate Set the path to the Rmd task template.
setTaskRoot Set the root of the task repository.
setTaskRscriptTemplate Set the path to the R script task template.
setTaskSponsor Set the name of the tasks sponsor.
setTaskStructure Set task repository directory structure.
taskID Get task identifier string.