plotTernary {CytoSimplex}R Documentation

Create ternary plots


Create ternary plots that show similarity between single cells and selected three terminals in a ternary baricentric coordinate.


plotTernary(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  features = NULL,
  veloGraph = NULL,
  byCluster = NULL,
  processed = FALSE,
  method = c("euclidean", "cosine", "pearson", "spearman"),
  force = FALSE,
  sigma = 0.08,
  scale = TRUE,
  dotColor = "grey60",
  returnData = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'Seurat'
  layer = "counts",
  assay = NULL,
  clusterVar = NULL,
  processed = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'SingleCellExperiment'
  assay.type = "counts",
  clusterVar = NULL,
  processed = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'simMat'
  title = NULL,
  veloMat = NULL,
  nGrid = 10,
  radius = 0.1,
  dotSize = 0.6,
  dotColor = "grey60",
  labelColors = c("#3B4992FF", "#EE0000FF", "#008B45FF"),
  vertexLabelSize = 5,
  vertexLabelDrift = 0.03,
  axisBreak = 5,
  axisTextShow = TRUE,
  axisTextSize = 4,
  axisTextDrift = 0.02,
  gridLineAlpha = 0.6,
  arrowLinewidth = 0.25,
  arrowAngle = 20,
  arrowLen = 0.2,
  titleSize = 14,
  equilateral = TRUE,
  margin = 0.1,



Input data. Can be a matrix or dgCMatrix object with cells as columns, a Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object. "simMat" method takes intermediate values.


Arguments passed to other methods.


A vector/factor assigning the cluster variable to each column of the matrix object. For "Seurat" method, NULL (default) for Idents(x), or a variable name in slot. For "SingleCellExperiment" method, NULL (default) for colLabels(x), or a variable name in colData slot.


Vector of three unique cluster names that will be used for plotting. Or a named list that groups clusters as three terminal vertices. There must not be any overlap between groups.


Valid matrix row subsetting index to select features for similarity calculation. Default NULL uses all available features.


Cell x cell dgCMatrix object containing velocity information. Shows velocity grid-arrow layer when specified. Default NULL does not show velocity.


Default NULL to generate one plot with all cells. Set "all" to split cells in plot by cluster and returns a list of subplots for each cluster as well as the plot including all cells. Otherwise, a vector of cluster names to generate a list of subplots for the specified clusters.


Logical. Whether the input matrix is already processed. TRUE will bypass internal preprocessing and input matrix will be directly used for similarity calculation. Default FALSE and raw count input is recommended. If missing in call, using slot = "counts" in "Seurat" method or using assay.type = "counts" in "SingleCellExperiment" method will force this argument to be FALSE and others for TRUE.


Similarity calculation method. Default "euclidean". Choose from "euclidean", "cosine", "pearson", "spearman".


Whether to force calculate the similarity when more then 500 features are detected, which is generally not recommended. Default FALSE.


Gaussian kernel parameter that controls the effect of variance. Only effective when using a distance metric (i.e. method is "euclidian" or "cosine"). Larger values tighten the dot spreading on figure. Default 0.08.


Whether to min-max scale the distance matrix by clusters. Default TRUE.


Logical. Whether to return similarity and aggregated velocity data if applicable instead of generating plot. Default FALSE.


For "Seurat" method, which layer of the assay to be used. Default "counts".


For "Seurat" method, the specific assay to get data from. Default NULL to the default assay.


For "SingleCellExperiment" methods. Which assay to use for calculating the similarity. Default "counts".


Title text of the plot. Default NULL.


Aggregated velocity matrix. Output of aggrVeloGraph.


Number of grids along the bottom side of the equilateral triangle. Default 10.


Arrow length of unit velocity. Lower this when arrows point outside of the coordinate. Default 0.1.

dotSize, dotColor

Dot aesthetics passed to geom_point. Default 0.6 and "grey60".


Colors of the axis lines and vertex labels. Default c("#3B4992FF", "#EE0000FF", "#008B45FF") (blue, red and green)

vertexLabelSize, vertexLabelDrift

Adjustment on the three vertex text labels. Drift means the distance that the labels should be moved against the center of the plot. Default size 5, drifted distance 0.03.


Number of breaks to be labeled along axis. Default 5.


Logical, whether to show axis text. Default TRUE.

axisTextSize, axisTextDrift

Similar to the vertex adjustment applied to the text label along the axis breaks. Default size 4, drifted distance 0.02.


Transparency of background grid lines. Default 0.6.

arrowLinewidth, arrowAngle, arrowLen

Arrow aesthetics, see Details.


Size of title text. Default 14.


Logical, whether to always display the triangle as equilateral. Default TRUE.


Margin allowed around of the triangle plotting region when equilateral = TRUE


Argument inheritance - For matrix/dgCMatrix ("default" method), we first calculate the similarity matrix and obtain a "simMat" object. Then the "simMat" method is internally called. For data container objects (e.g. Seurat), we obtain the correct data matrix first and then call the "default" method. The arguments inherits as the flow described above.

The calculation of similarity matrix - The similarity is calculated either by converting a distance metric ("euclidean" or "cosine") with Gaussian kernel, or directly computed with correlation metrics ("pearson" or "spearman"). The centroid of each terminal is obtained first, and the specified metric from each cell to each terminal is calculated. The similarity matrix (n cells by v terminals) is lastly normalized to sum to 1 for each cell, so it becomes a baricentric coordinate.

Arrow aesthetics parameters - The shape of arrows is controlled by 3 arguments. Considering an arrow as the combination of a line segment and a triangle, arrowLinewidth controls the width of the line as well as the edge line of the triangle; arrowAngle equals to angle of the arrow-tip vertex of the triangle devided by 2 (e.g. the triangle is equilateral when arrowAngle = 20); arrowLen controls the absolute length from the arrow-tip vertex to its opposite edge.


For "simMat" method, a ggplot object. For other methods, a ggplot object when splitCluster = FALSE, or a list of ggplot objects when splitCluster = TRUE.


gene <- selectTopFeatures(rnaRaw, rnaCluster, c("OS", "RE", "CH"))
plotTernary(rnaRaw, rnaCluster, c("OS", "RE", "CH"), gene)

# Seurat example
srt <- CreateSeuratObject(rnaRaw)
Idents(srt) <- rnaCluster
gene <- selectTopFeatures(srt, vertices = c("OS", "RE", "CH"))
plotTernary(srt, features = gene, vertices = c("OS", "RE", "CH"))

# SingleCellExperiment example
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = rnaRaw))
colLabels(sce) <- rnaCluster
gene <- selectTopFeatures(sce, vertices = c("OS", "RE", "CH"))
plotTernary(sce, features = gene, vertices = c("OS", "RE", "CH"))

[Package CytoSimplex version 0.1.1 Index]