CpGassoc-package {CpGassoc} | R Documentation |
Association Between Methylation and a Phenotype of Interest
Is designed to test for association between methylation at CpG sites across the genome and a phenotype of interest, adjusting for any relevant covariates. The package can perform standard analyses of large datasets very quickly with no need to impute the data. It can also handle mixed effects models with chip or batch entering the model as a random intercept. Also includes tools to apply quality control filters, perform permutation tests, and create QQ plots, manhattan plots, and scatterplots for individual CpG sites.
Package: CpGassoc Type: Package Title: Association between Methylation and a phenotype of interest Version: 2.70 Date: 2024-07-01 Author: Barfield, R., Conneely, K., Kilaru,V Maintainer: R Barfield <barfieldrichard8@gmail.com> Description: CpGassoc is designed to test for association between methylation at CpG sites across the genome and a phenotype of interest, adjusting for any relevant covariates. The package can perform standard analyses of large datasets very quickly with no need to impute the data. It can also handle mixed effects models with chip or batch entering the model as a random intercept. CpGassoc also includes tools to apply quality control filters, perform permutation tests, and create QQ plots, manhattan plots, and scatterplots for individual CpG sites. Depends:nlme,methods License: GPL (>= 2) |
CpGassoc is a suite of R functions designed to perform flexible analyses of methylation array data.
The two main functions are cpg.assoc
and cpg.perm
. cpg.assoc
will perform an association test
between the CpG sites and the phenotype of interest. Covariates can be added to the model, and can be
continuous or categorical in nature. cpg.assoc
allows users to set their own false discovery rate threshold,
to transform the beta values to log(beta/(1-beta)), and to subset if required. cpg.assoc can also fit a
linear mixed effects model with a single random effect to control for possible technical difference due to
batch or chip. cpg.assoc
uses the Holm method to determine significance. The user can also specify
an FDR method to determine significance based on the function p.adjust
. cpg.perm
performs the same tasks as cpg.assoc
followed by a permutation test on the data, repeating the analysis
multiple times after randomly permuting the main phenotype of interest. The user can
specify the seed and the number of permutations. If over one hundred permutations are performed
QQ plots can be created with empirical confidence intervals based on the permuted t-statistics.
For more information see plot.cpg.perm
. For more information on how to perform cpg.assoc
see their corresponding help pages. CpGassoc can also perform quality control (see cpg.qc
Barfield, R.; Kilaru,V.; Conneely, K.
Maintainer: R. Barfield: <barfieldrichard8@gmail.com>
See Also
#Using cpg.assoc:
##Using cpg.perm:
#For more examples go to those two pages main help pages.