conv_treeCKT {CondCopulas}R Documentation

Converting to matrix of indicators / matrix of conditional Kendall's tau


The function treeCKT2matrixInd takes as input a binary tree that has been returned by the function bCond.treeCKT. Since this tree describes a partition of the conditioning space, it can be interesting to get, for a given dataset, the matrix

1{Xi,JAj,J},1\{ X_{i,J} \in A_{j,J} \},

where each Aj,JA_{j,J} corresponds to a conditioning subset. This is the so-called matrixInd. Finally, it can be interesting to get the matrix of


treeCKT2matrixInd(estimatedTree, newDataXJ = NULL)

matrixInd2matrixCKT(matrixInd, newDataXI)

treeCKT2matrixCKT(estimatedTree, newDataXI = NULL, newDataXJ = NULL)



the tree that has been estimated before, for example by bCond.treeCKT.


this is a matrix of size N * |J| where |J| is the number of conditional variables used in the tree. By default this is NULL meaning that we return the matrix for the original data (that was used to compute the estimatedTree).


a matrix of indexes of size (n, N.boxes) describing for each observation i to which box ( = event) it belongs.


this is a matrix of size N * |I| where |I| is the number of conditioned variables. By default this is NULL meaning that we return the matrix for the original data used to compute the estimatedTree


See Also

bCond.treeCKT for the construction of such a binary tree.


n = 200
XJ = MASS::mvrnorm(n = n, mu = c(3,3), Sigma = rbind(c(1, 0.2), c(0.2, 1)))
XI = matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 2)
high_XJ1 = which(XJ[,1] > 4)
XI[high_XJ1, ]  = MASS::mvrnorm(n = length(high_XJ1), mu = c(10,10),
                                Sigma = rbind(c(1, 0.8), c(0.8, 1)))
XI[-high_XJ1, ] = MASS::mvrnorm(n = n - length(high_XJ1), mu = c(8,8),
                                Sigma = rbind(c(1, -0.2), c(-0.2, 1)))

result = bCond.treeCKT(XI = XI, XJ = XJ, minSize = 10, verbose = 2)


matrixInd2matrixCKT(treeCKT2matrixInd(result), newDataXI = XI)


[Package CondCopulas version 0.1.3 Index]